My turn 12.

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--Jackie's POV--

School went by so slow today and I felt so bummed knowing that Katie wasn't coming to the party but at least she was going to be with Luke, she couldn't stop smiling I swear they were just so cute together!

Jasmine and Nayeli came over to get ready at my house, I straightened my hair, did a smoky eye and slipped on my dress then the gold heels Katie had let me borrow. Since I was the first one done I helped the other girls get ready, Jasmine of course took the longest but we were out the door by 8.

--James POV--

I've had about 5 beers already and made out with about three girls but they meant nothing to me. I went over to see what the boys were doing and joined in on their game of beer pong. My goal tonight is to basically get shit faced and not remember a thing especially Jackie....

--Beaus POV--

For fucks sake where is Jasmine?!

"Beau calm down her and the girls should be here any minute." Said Jai

I went outside to call Jasmine but stopped when I saw her get out of her car she looked stunning and so did the other girl beside her who was it?

Wait a minute it was Jackie well she sure did look good but not as good as Jasmine. God this girl has me crazy.

--Jais POV--

Beau came in with Jasmine and then Nayeli, I couldn't help but admire her how her cheeks turned a shade of light pink when she was shy or how her legs looked amazing in those shorts...

"Oi Jackie is that you?!" I heard Daniels voice boom I looked over and saw Jackie standing there and at that moment I swear I went speechless. That dress flattered every curve on her body and I just wanted to wrap my arms around her but I couldn't..

"Haha yeah it's me, I guess taking a shower does have it's benefits" she said sarcastically

She saw me and was making her way towards my direction but someone asked her to dance and her being the nice person she is couldn't say no. So there I was watching the girl I wanted dancing with some ass. I decided to walk around and saw Nayeli trying to break free from her ex boyfriends grasp but he wouldn't let go so of course I stepped in.

"Let her go man"

"Or what? Are you going to beat me up?"

"Just let her fucking go"

"I have a better idea why don't you go fuck yourself mate"

And with that I punched the guy square in the jaw and he was out cold I grabbed Nayeli and headed outside.

"You okay?" I asked her as I placed her hair behind her ear.

"Yes thank you.... Jai can I ask you something?"

"Yeah what is it?"

"Do you like.... Jackie?"

"To be honest I don't know I'm still trying to figure it out. Thing is I don't know if I'm over my last crush still."

"Well who is it I'll talk to her"

I chuckled and looked into her eyes

"My crush was you but you always had guys wanting you so I thought you'd never be interested in me."

Her eyes widened and she said that she's had a crush on me for longer than a year.

"I have an idea we don't have to do it but maybe it's just the thing you need to decide if you still have feelings for me..." I asked her how and before I knew it her hands gently cupped my face and she kissed me. I placed her on my lap and could definitely feel fireworks as they say in movies.

I had Nayeli and we both were obviously attracted to each other, the feelings were still there but what about Jackie?

--Jackie's POV--

I had gotten bored of dancing seeing as how this guy only wanted me to grind on him so I set out to look for Jai and Nayeli.

"Fight, fight, fight" I heard people chanting, I went to see what the commotion was about and sure enough James was the one fighting he lost and his lip as well as eye were swollen. I ran over and bent down.

"James you idiot what were you thinking?!"

"Jackie is that you? You're so gorgeous"

"Oh come on let's get you home it's only the beer talking you're a wreck"

I asked James for his car keys and drove home I got out and helped James keep his balance. Only I would be spending my Friday night taking care of my drunk friend.

--James POV--

"Here take this" she said as she handed me some aspirin and water.

"Thank you gorgeous." She did look stunning but I'd rather see how that dress looked off of her.

"Okay I'll be right back I'm gonna go change call me I you need anything." She said cutting off my thoughts.

I headed upstairs to her room and saw her pull of the dress

"Dammit James get out I'm change.."

I didn't let her finish because I grabbed her waist and crashed my lips onto hers. It felt so right and I knew she felt the same way because she didn't stop either.

"Wait James you're drunk you don't know what you're doing" she said as she stepped aside

"Yes I do" I slurred

She chuckled and led me to her bed "Come on lay down and get some rest I'll sleep on the couch."

"What nooooo stay with me."

"Goodnight James" and then she left to go downstairs.

I kissed her though and I wanted more. I wanted her. But why did she have to pull away?

--Jackie's POV--

I told James goodnight and headed downstairs. I can't believe I just kissed him but the funny thing is I liked it. It gave me butterflies and it felt so right, but like I said it was only the beer talking right????

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