My turn 21.

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Hey you guys sorry if this chapter isn't the best but here goes nothing! 😆


*2 weeks later*

-- James POV--

I've tried so hard to talk to her and try to explain what really happened but she won't answer my texts, calls, letters or anything. She's been spending more time with Jai every time I go over it turns out he's at her house.

Yes I'm fucking pissed he's supposed to be one of my best mates and what's he doing? Stealing my girl. It's been two weeks and I wanna keep trying but something in me tells me to move on, so that's what I'm doing I'm going to a party and planning on getting hammered.


I got there around 9 and was greeted with the smell of hard core liquor, I made my way over to a group of guys with my beer in hand I sat there emotionless waiting for a text a call just anything but nothing.

"Hey mate why so blue?" Said the boy with the deep under eyes and shaggy brown hair.

"Hmm? What oh girl drama you know"

"Well I can make you forget about her if that's what you want" he replied

"Oh yeah? How?"

"Here take this" he handed me some pills "it'll make you feel amazing trust me."

Hesitantly I took the pills from him and popped one in, within a matter of a minute I felt different the walls seemed to look like they were moving people changed colors ect. I got up for another beer but was stopped by some girl I didn't get a good look at her face seeing as how the drugs had me all fucked up but hey if she wanted to have sex who was I to say no.

-- Jackie's POV --

I have to be honest I miss James but I'm so angry at him, why did he have to cheat?! I haven't done much all I've done is hangout with Jai, he rarely ever goes home but it doesn't bother me it's nice to have someone with you.

"Hey Jackie, do you wanna go eat with me and Daniel?" Jai asked

"Ehh not really in the mood but you go I'll be fine here."

As soon as Jai left I sprawled myself onto the couch, I tried to get comfortable but I couldn't.

"Bloody hell I'll just go get some coffee." I mumbled to myself. I put on my pink jumpsuit, some black shorts and of course my white converse.


I entered the cafè and ordered an iced mocha, I was told that an employee would bring it out to me so I nodded and took a seat in one of the back booths, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram until I heard someone clear their throat.

"Oh... Sorry."

"You're fine, you were probably texting your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? No. He umm cheated on me with my best friend..."

"Someone cheat on someone as beautiful as you? What a bastard. My names Parker by the way." He grinned and held out his hand.

I extended my arm out and shook his hand back. "I'm Jacqueline but most people call me Jackie."

"Well Jackie I see you're sitting alone and my shift ends in 5 minutes care if I join you?"

I was a little shocked but I agreed, he said he was going to clock out but that he'd be back.

Parker was attractive with his broad tan shoulders, his killer smile, his brown hair, and green eyes everything most girls dream of having.


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