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"you taught me the courage of stars, before you left"

"This is perfect." the blonde says, his arm around Thomas, his other playing with the hazelnut coloured strands of his hair.

"Not as perfect as you."

Newt laughs, scrunching his nose as he tapped Thomas' nose. Thomas giggles, moving closer to the blonde, his arm playing with the hems of Newt's shirt.

"Look up." his fingers pushes the smaller boy's chin up to see the incredible night sky, stars scattered everywhere.

"It looks beautiful." he says, tracing his finger to connect the stars.

Newt moves his finger to point to a bright star, slightly blinding the brunette. Thomas turns to face Newt, smiling as the blonde scrunches his face in admiration. 'Sirius' was the name of the star and Thomas knew that it was Newt's favourite. He places a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead, the other blushing as his cheeks changes to a rosy colour.

"I actually have something for you." Thomas pulls away from him and brings out a blue box with white tissue paper peeping through the lid. He gently pushes it into the blonde's hands, wondering what his reaction would be.


"Open it." he pulls the look that the blonde couldn't resist as he hears scruffling and shuffling.

What was inside the box amazed Newt. There was a golden telescope with a brown stripe at the larger part of the telescope. The blonde was breath-taken and instantly pecked the brunette's lips as a thank you.

"I knew you always wanted one and since you're so into astrology... why not?"

"Don't you know how expensive these are? Thomas... I don't want you wasting money on me."

"Why shouldn't I? I... I love you, Newt." the blonde gasp as those words are spoken.

The whole time they had been together, neither of the boys said I love you. I guess it was because they were too scared to admit it. Newt believed that there was only one love in your life and... to be frank... Newt didn't know if it was Thomas.

Smiling, he took the boy's hand and kissed him softly on the lips. Even if he wasn't sure, Newt liked Thomas a lot. Laying on the grass, their arms wrapped around each other as they watch the sunset fall down.


Next thing the brunette knew, he was awoken by the sounds of the birds chirping and the light of the sun blinding him. But he felt different, almost empty. And when he turned to his left, there was nothing there. No one there.

'Where's Newt?' the boy thought as his eyes search for the blonde but failed.

Confused by the sudden disappearance, he decided to pack up and drive home. He thought perhaps he got caught up in schoolwork and had to leave immediately. That was until he found a stash of paper hidden in the crease of the blanket.

Those words that were written in messy, black ink shattered Thomas' heart.

I'm sorry Tommy. But I don't love you back.


Lmao trust me to mess up their relationship straight away :) but yeah, that's the start! It will get better, hopefully.

Faiza :)

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