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"i tried to write it down but i could never find a pen"

It was the next day when Jace called Thomas to come over. Despite Thomas not wanting to go, he knew he had to. For Newt, he whispered to himself again and again when he reached the blonde's house.

Thomas could feel the numbness of his body as he tried to drag himself to the front door, his closed fist coming up to knock.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in— Thomas?" he hears the sweet British voice and looks to find Newt standing there.

"N... Newt?" the brunette was in shock, he couldn't move, he needed to move but he couldn't.

"What are you doing here? I mean, are you okay? You haven't been answering my calls or texts recently. What's going on?"

Questions filled Thomas' head so much, it hurt. He had no idea that Newt was so concerned about him, he thought he was better off with someone else. Instantly, his throat began to swell up, his breathing becoming ragged. He couldn't handle this pressure, seeing Newt, dealing with everything that's happened. He had only had this moment once before: he passed out shortly after. And he did this time.


"What do you mean he passed out shortly after?!"

Thomas could hear two voices, both were British. His eyes still fuzzy, he was able to see two boys, especially focusing on one with dirty blonde hair. The sight made the boy jump up instantly, drawing attention towards him.

"Tommy! You're up, are you alright?" Newt came rushing to his side but the brunette was too focused on the other blonde in front of him.

Pale face, dark circles under bloodshot eyes - he was a mess. Thomas was shocked at the transformation of Jace; before, he was cocky, dominating and now? He looked like death got to him and is just on the verge of life.



"Wait, you guys know each other? Bro... could you explain?" Newt looks pleadingly at both of them and Jace clears his throat before taking a seat.

"Now you both have to promise me you won't abuse me in any way, Newt I'm talking to you especially." he states as both of the boys nod in response.

"Thomas... Newt's my brother."

Brother?! Thomas thought, he couldn't deal with all this right now. He fancies one dude and it all blows in his face. Really, universe? He slowly nods his head to tell him to continue.

"I'm sorry that I never told you because I didn't want you knowing. Newt, my dear brother, I'm sorry but me and Thomas have been hooking up behind your back."

"WHAT? Thomas, is this true?" Newt jumps out of his seat, fury filled in his voice.

"Well, he didn't want it. I threatened him that if he didn't give me what I want... I would hurt you. That's why he kissed me and we did—"

"Did you take his virginity?"

"No!" both of them yelled, Jace in guilt and Thomas in embarrassment.

"...Good. But I don't understand, Jace why did you do all this. Not only did you hurt an innocent person—"

"I KNOW! Fuck, I know. But you had it all: the looks, the praise, the glory. You knew how I felt about Thomas, how I loved him and you had to take that away from me as well. Because you're fucking Newt Johnson, everyone's favourite. Where does that leave me, huh? I thought I had Thomas, the only reason that I was still here. He was the only person that actually made me feel needed. You couldn't do that, neither could Mum or Dad; only Thomas. But I guess I can't always get what I want. That's love for you."

There was a tense silence left in the air after Jace had finished. His brother was fuming but was guilty, he had no idea that he had taken everything from his little brother, someone who was soo broken, he fitted in with the rest of the wasteland we call Earth. Thomas, however, was touched. He had always seen Jace differently, admired him in a way that he could never understand. But, as well as Newt, felt guilty as he fell in love with the wrong brother.

"J... I... I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"Yeah, because you never paid attention as you were too busy figuring if you loved Thomas or not. How could you doubt that for one second?"

"I know and I now know that I love him." he grabs hold of the brunette's fingers, their fingers intertwining.

"Good for you, despite that I hate this feeling... I'm glad that you're both happy. Thomas, I know you can't ever forgive me, what I did was horrible and Newt will be there for you and will do anything that I could never do."

"It's okay Jace, I forgive you. Love makes you do stupid things." the brunette walks over and gives a generous kiss on a cheek, making the blonde blush.

"Ditto to that."


"I hope Jace will be okay. We hurt him pretty bad." Thomas mutters, sat on the edge of the blonde's bed, playing with the sleeves of his hoodie as he felt a weight beside him, his eyes met with hazel ones.

"You didn't do anything... It was my business, I should have watched him more closely. It's my role as older brother anyway."

Thomas smiles before placing a soft, gentle kiss on his lips. Newt was taken back but he did the same, his hands sliding onto his waist, his fingers looping the seam of his shirt. The brunette giggles as they break away from the kiss, foreheads touching.

"I love you, Newt Johnson."

"I love you too, Thomas Day."


awwww my precious babies are finally happy :) that's all good in the hood. but we are dawning the end of the book!

i guess you can say that this is the last present chapter as we'll be jumping into the future!!

that sounds soo cringe but i am cringe so eh.

Faiza :)

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