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"i couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again"

It was unfortunate that the night after, Newt was stuck with Thomas in Chemistry. Both boys kept silence, didn't dare to look at each other.

Thomas felt horrible at the fact that he couldn't even be there for Newt because he was afraid. He wanted to teach the boy that it was okay and he would be accepted. But he knew that if he does that, he could lose him.

Newt, on the other hand, felt very uncomfortable that he kept fidgeting every two seconds, which unfortunately the boy next to him picked up on.

"What are you doing?" the boy whispers, making Newt focus on the brunette.

"What do you mean?"

"Stop fidgeting, you're grabbing attention."

"Oh unlike you, who bloody slapped in the face yesterday? You—"

"I'm sorry Mr Johnson and Mr Day, is there something much more interesting than fractional distillation, that you like to discuss?"

"No, Sir." both boys mumbled as the class continues, Thomas getting deathly stares from the boy next to him.


Thankfully, the redhead had a plan to put back what was right when she approached her 'boyfriend' at lunch. It's not that Esme didn't like Newt, it's just that she didn't understand why he couldn't, at least, tell Thomas about his problems.

"Hey, blondie." she says as she approaches the group of friends, Newt turning around as a smile creeps on his face.

"Hey, princess."

With a quick and awkward kiss on the lips, she leads him away from the crowd and takes him towards the music room. Newt kept questioning the girl but she ignores him because her mind was set on one thing: to get Newt the person who he should really be with. Soon enough, they reached their destination and Esme gestured the boy to enter.

But little did he knew, as soon as he entered, he hears a click and he instantly tries to open the door but it's stuck. The room was pitch black so Newt had no way to get out, apart from the door he came through. Which is locked. By Esme.  

"Esme! What the hell!"

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you?"

"Let me out!"

"There's no point. I've been stuck in here for an hour." he hears a voice behind him and he turns on the light to find Thomas, fiddling with the sleeves of his jumper.

He couldn't deal with him, right now.

"Okay, I'm being serious. E, you better let me out right now before I knock this door down." he threatens the girl, making Thomas feel guilty.

"NO, you guys need to sort this out. So, I'm not letting you guys go until you fuck."

"Wait, what?" both boys say at the same time, causing Thomas to laugh nervously and Newt to roll his eyes.

They waited for a few moments and realised that the redhead has left, leaving the brunette and blonde in an uncomfortable position. Newt came pacing around the small, crowded music room, bumping into the brunette every three seconds.

"Come on Newt, we're gonna need to talk about it eventually." Thomas cut the discomforting silence, a set of brown eyes watching.

"What do we need to talk about?" the other boy questions, making him facepalm.

"Oh, I don't know... maybe the fact that you acted that you were in love with me for the whole summer and then blew me off and called me a whore?"

Every word of that was like a gunshot into Newt's stomach. He tried to hide his emotions but he did love Thomas. He just couldn't... not anymore.

"So you have nothing to say? Well then, I know. I know Esme isn't really your girlfriend." the blonde hears footsteps coming closer and felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I get that you're scared, I was like that. But you can't hide forever, no matter how taunting it is."

He turns to see Thomas and the boy had a sympathetic smile across his lips. He grabs the brunette's hands and he felt lighter. Thomas has always been there for Newt, his words comforting him every time.

"I just need time. Is.. is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course. You know I'd do anything to protect you, Newt. Anything."


please, protect these beans at all costs :(
also if you've read my other newtmas book 'ribbons', if you get the small reference, i love you loads. if you haven't even read 'ribbons', it's on my profile :)

Faiza :)

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