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"how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist"

Thomas was stuck in his room, the door bolted. Since he could remember, it was the same routine: wake up, learn more about WCKD, eat, sleep and repeat. He was isolated, he hadn't met any of the children who were in the building except a black-haired girl called Teresa. He felt lonely as if he was missing something and was being excluded.

Today had been the same, Thomas had learnt, he had eaten dinner and was being brought back by one of the guards. Thankfully, it was one who he was fond of. There was a comfortable silence, Thomas feeling slightly sleepy as he waddled into his room.

"Thank you Hills." the young boy thanked the man, who gave a nod before leaving, closing the door behind him.

The seven-year-old was too tired to do anything and fell onto his bed, his face stuffed into the pillow. He let a loud groan before laying in his bed properly, his eyes staring at the plain blue ceiling. It was soo... boring for the boy, which gave him an idea.

He grabbed the black pen on his table and climbed up his metal bed railing until he had reached the top. He began to draw black stars and planets, planting these illustrations everywhere so that when he laid back down on his bed, the wall above was a blue galaxy.

He hasn't noticed that a blonde boy had come through and was watching him, his eyes on the brunette with a smile placed on his lips. Thomas looked over and the boy broke away, his eyes now looking at the floor. Thomas laughs before going over to the boy, pulling on the sleeves of his worn out jumper.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be rude, I just found the door unlocked." the blonde said, instantly regretting it as he thought that he sounded like a creep.

"No, it's okay."

"I like your drawings. The world we live in is soo precious yet no-one takes a moment to stop and just admire it." the other boy pointed out and Thomas smiles as they take a seat next to each other.

"I completely agreed, the idea of living on this planet is extraordinary but everyone acts that it's normal." the brunette expressed, the blonde nodding in agreement.

The two boys continue to talk for a while, finding and expressing their shared love for the solar system. Thomas was at peace finally, he felt that there was someone in this place that had finally got him. The boy had felt alone for years, ever since he lost his mother. Thomas turned to see the blonde there, smiling whilst talking about his favourite part of the galaxy. That grin sent a wave of reassurance through Thomas, as if he were finding out the world was okay again and that he would be as well.

"I never caught your name, what is it?" Thomas said after the brief pause in their conversation.

"Oh sorry, I'm Newt." the blonde stuck his hand out and Thomas received the gesture by shaking his hand.


"I know who you bloody well who you are, which is why I can finally snag you. Come on, I wanna show you something." Newt states before getting up and leaving the room.

Thomas was taken back but was intrigued by the idea of an adventure. And who knows? The boy could have some fun for once. He stood up and followed the boy, excitement and adrenaline running through his body like lightning.


"So what did you wanna show me?"

The boys had been walking around for ages, Thomas had no clue as to where he was. He had become tired but Newt shook him here at there to keep him awake. After countless steps of stairs, they reach a steel door. The brunette turned to the boy, his eyebrows frowning in confusion as Newt just laughs. He opens up the door to reveal the rooftop.

"What... I don't understand." Thomas continued to ask questions as the blonde stopped in front of him.

Newt took Thomas' hand in his own and use his finger to pull Thomas' face to look at him. Newt could not put a smile on his face after seeing those hazel eyes. They were beauty at its finest, he thought.

"Look up."

Brown eyes looked up to see the starry sky, the sky being a midnight blue with swirls of light blue swimming through. The stars looked like bright dots of hope, as Thomas wished they were. He would always look for the brightest star and wish upon it.

"I come here every night, to get away from all the craziness inside. This is my favourite part of the day, it makes the world seem human again." Newt commented, making Thomas turn his attention on him.

Tears rolled down the brunette's cheeks as he pulled the blonde for a hug, placing his head on Newt's shoulder. He could feel his embrace, his arms snaking around his waist, which sent an electric shock through Thomas' body. He felt comfortable with Newt, he felt he would be able to go to him for anything. He felt at home. Newt had an impact on him that no one had ever had before.

"Thank you, Newt. This is beautiful." he thanked the boy when they pull out of the embrace.

But not as beautiful as you though, the boy thought.

"Anytime, Tommy." Newt gives a genuine smile to the boy whilst speaking.

When seeing Thomas, the blonde felt like he was on cloud nine. He made him feel some sort of passion to him: he didn't know if he loved him or liked him but he felt that it was his only job to protect him. The boy saw Thomas as something so precious, so delicate that the slight thing could harm him. Everything he saw was in its perfect place, his dreamy hazel eyes that Newt would happily drown in, his dark brunette hair that Newt wished he could run his hand through when kissing him passionately. He adored the boy.

For the first time in their life, both Thomas and Newt had this feeling inside that they couldn't understand, something soo empowering that it intoxicated the boys.

And that is the beginning of our love story.


well, we have reached the end of this book. thank you soo incredibly much for your love, it means a hell of a lot seeing your votes and comments, i love you all very much :)

this is a little different to my endings, i don't know if you guys understood what was going on but i wanted the last chapter being a flashback to their first meeting. it kinda gives it a circular structure but the next chapter is like 10 years later.

this might be confusing but after this, the flare is destroyed and humanity redeems itself so WCKD dies basically :) something we all want.

and of course the first time they met was in the fever code, so i took that (thank you james dashner for writing that beauty) and interpreted it into my own version :) i kinda lost the whole space meaning to the book so i wanted to make sense here.

now i'm off writing something else now that should be already now, so click on my profile if you wanna read it. also, sorry for the long author note :/

again... thank you for everything, my loves :) x

Faiza :)

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