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"i'd give anything to hear you say it one more time"

Newt had been messaging Thomas for days but he got no reply. He didn't understand, he finally said the three words that the boy wanted to hear but he rejected it?

Even at school, the brunette would run past him, ignoring him when he called his name. He just... didn't understand. He thought he might as well give up.

"Esme, why is he ignoring me?" he asks the redhead as the bicker of Physics fade into the background.

"I honestly don't know."

The truth was, she did. Thomas had poured his poor little heart to Newt and he didn't even look twice. She knew that the boy thought that maybe, fighting for his love wasn't worth it anymore. Not if he was going to get hurt every time. When she found out Newt said it, she knew it was from peer pressure. She was frustrated that he said those three important words like they meant nothing.

"I just want him back. I just don't know what I've done." that was the last straw for the girl.

"WORK HARDER, YOU MORON!" she erupts, grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking him.

"Miss Roberts, please excuse yourself from the room please. We do not tolerate behaviour like that."


Unfortunately for Thomas, he was in that physics lesson and my god, was he embarrassed.

He couldn't believe that Newt didn't understand what he had done. Not only had he thrown Thomas around like a football, but he also had lied to him. He lied about their relationship to his parents, his friends. Thomas couldn't be with a person who couldn't be themselves.

Yet, he was always stuck with the blonde. Like, at lunch, they magically happen to be in the music room. Thomas was trying to find the right pair of drumsticks, while Newt was tuning his electric guitar.

Pure silence. Pure silence was the only thing in the air. The blonde was dying to say something, his thoughts making him fidget constantly. Thomas, however, was grateful for the silence. He didn't want to say a word to Newt as he knew tears would be shed.

"Thomas, please. Can't you just talk to me?"

No answer. 

"This is getting ridiculous. Tommy, I said the words! Doesn't that make you happy?"

"You didn't mean it." Thomas muttered under his breath, his finger nails digging into the palms of his hands.


"YOU DIDN'T MEAN IT, NEWT! All the time that we were together, I was the only one committing. I mean... look at the state we're in now! All because you were too scared to admit the truth: the truth that you're gay."

Newt was speechless, never in his life, did Thomas talk to speak like that to him or in fact, anyone before. He was partly intimated but surprised as he looks at the brunette, dark circles hanging under his hazel eyes, which had now changed to a darker, almost taupe colour, like the grey in his life has started infecting him.

"You just said I love you because I practically forced you to. You feel pity in my situation, so you say it, just so I don't be as much as a pain anymore."

"No... Tommy. You could never be a pain. I truly love you, from the bottom of my heart. You have to believe me."

"I can't. I feel like you're still lying to me."

Before he could utter another word, the blonde had his lips placed on his. And for the first time since Thomas met Newt on the rooftop, they both were themselves, their true beings. And it was the best feeling in the world.

Newt breaks the kiss, his hands on either side of the brunette's face, their foreheads touching. They both had a slight smile on their faces, bursting into giggles here and there.

"Now, listen here. I love you with all my heart, Thomas Day. There is nothing you or anyone can ever say that can reject it. I was soo stupid before to never see that you are the one for me. But now, I can and I wish to be with you forever and always."

"That's all I needed to hear."


but seriously, this is the cutest shit I've ever wrote in my life so yeah :)

me duh and this is becoming a long ass author note so imma gonna go.

Faiza :)

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