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1. a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.


graduation day 7:12am

they were anxious, they were joyous, and they were dressed quite formally underneath their cap and gowns.

the school color was a plain orange.

orange is the worst color in the history of the universe, the boys discussed.

(a/n: true, i hate that color :))

they waited nervously in their seats to grab their diplomas, each cheering their classmates off.

although no one was particularly nice to them, and some were asses too.

there was a proud expression on tyler's face once renee drex was off the stage, and joshua took her place.

something about how his freshly dyed flamboyant platinum blonde hair blended with his perfectly scarlet cheeks.

something about how nervous, sweaty, and happy he looked stepping up there.

something about how beautifully josh looked at tyler in nothing but infatuation once he received his diploma.

sparkles reflected in the feminine boy's eyes, and he skipped down the stage, with a huge grin on his face.

after forever of droning on, the professors began to announce the j's. tyler gave a small smile, and walked up.

his black dress shoes squeaked against the tile, and he fixed his tie, procrastinating slightly.

he glanced over to his boyfriend, who happened to be giving him a thumbs up with concern in his eyes.

he seemed to be saying "you got this" with just his features.

tyler swallowed his fears and as his name was called, he looked up.

his steps were slow, unlike josh's, as he not-so-calmly grazed up to his professor.

as his fingers came into grips with the paper in mrs. smith's fragile hands, he looked at it, gave a fake smile, and in a slow motion he walked off.

his eyes closed, and he took a deep breath, looking to where his eyes often landed it on. once he reached his seat, josh gave him a strong embraced.

"i'm proud of you, ty," the blonde said with his eyes beginning to leak salty water.

"i love you," he hugged josh harder.


josh held some pibb xtra in his chubby hands, while tyler had a simple red bull.

they were at some frat party, and drunk people ungraciously dry-humped to some mainstream pop music.

the songs had no meaning anyway, and the brunette had a bored look on his face.

nom de plume 🌹 tysh [✔]Where stories live. Discover now