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"Mum! Do you have any nice dresses?" Hyunji called out to her mother while she's looking through her own closet.

"No. Why?" Her mother stepped into her room and asked.

"I'm going to an event with my friend and I was told to wear something nice."

"I see. A guy friend?"

"Umm well yeah. He's actually a customer of our florist and he came to buy flowers very often so we knew each other." Hyunji replied and sat down beside her mother, who is sitting on her bed.

"Do you like him?" Hyunji's mother smiled softly and asked.

"Mother, you know that I won't like anyone. I'll be with you forever." She leaned on her mother's shoulder like a child and said.

"Child, not every love is a failure." Hyunji's mother ruffled her hair softly and told her. "It's not that because you've seen your friends being dumped or dumping the others, and mother and father divorce, then you thought that you wouldn't be with anyone else because of this, so that you wouldn't be experiencing all these heart breaks."

"I know, mother. It's just that, I can't bring myself to like anyone else." She sighed.

"Hyunjong told me that a guy stay over in our house last week. Is that him?"

"Ahh, why would that child tell you such things? Yeah, it is him. He was heartbroken and drank some soju here, so I let him stay."

"Hyunjong also said that he is nice, too. You should consider being with him."

"It isn't like he likes me. He had just broke up and he might haven't move on from his previous girlfriend."

"Alright. Tell me one day if you are in love, Hyunji-ah." Her mother smiled and patted her shoulders, standing up. "I'll be going to your aunt's house, bringing Hyunjong with me and we probably won't be back today. Don't come back too late, alright?"

"Sure, mother." Hyunji smiled and replied.


She checked on herself continuously in the mirror, spinning herself, checking if the dress fit her well. Hyunji was wearing a long dark blue dress. It is sleeveless, with some artificial diamonds on the neckline.

Hyunji smiled satisfyingly at her own reflection then went on to apply a little make up on herself. She's not that type who usually wear makeups, but she'll wear it for special events, or whenever she feels like she needs it.

She was looking for a matching heels for the dress that she is wearing, when the doorbell rang. She rushed to open the door and found Joonmyeon standing there in a black tuxedo.

"Hello." Joonmyeon smiled faintly at her, as she opened the door. She smiled back and said, "Come in first. I'm still looking for heels to wear."

"Sure." Joonmyeon nodded and stepped into Hyunji's house. Hyunji is actually kind of glad that her mother had brought Hyunjong to her aunt's house, that if Hyunjong saw Joonmyeon here, he'll probably tell their mother that they are dating.

"The black heels will be nice, it matches with your purse." Joonmyeon suddenly said while Hyunji was busy looking through her shoe rack.

"This one?" She held out one pair of the heels and asked. Joonmyeon nodded and said, "yeah, this one."

"Thank you." She smiled and started to put on the heels. After Hyunji was done, the both left the house and headed off to the venue.

"Actually, what dinner that you are attending?" Being curious, Hyunji asked as they are on their way to the dinner.

"A business dinner." Joonmyeon said, and turned to look at her shortly. "It might be unbelievable, but Hyunji, I am actually an owner of a company."

"Wait, you owned a company?" Hyunji's eyes rounded. She had expected that he's a manager but it turns out that he owns a company. This is just very unbelievable for her.

"See? I've knew that you'll freak out. I feel like I should introduce myself to you better. Actually for months knowing each other, we had never know each other nicely. Like…we just talked about random things and mostly are about my previous girlfriend."

"Yeah…we don't really know each other well, actually."

"You're 25, right?" Joonmyeon asked.

"Yeah I am."

"When is your birthday?"

"30th of August."

"Virgo. I see. I'm twenty seven, two years elder than you."

"You don't even look like you're twenty seven. You look around my age, honestly."

"Really? Then I should really be glad for that. No one had actually say that I look younger than I should be. I'm grateful listening to that."

"Really? Then I should pull back those words." Hyunji laughed and joked.

"Words that are being spoken couldn't be pull back, just like, actions that had been done has no returns." Joonmyeon said. He paused for a while, and then said, "I'm sorry for the kiss, anyways."

Hyunji wasn't expecting him to talk about that again, as she wished that bygones will remain as bygones. "You've been apologize for that for a lot of times."

"I'm truthfully sorry for that, though. It actually scares you, isn't it?"

"I did freak out a bit." Hyunji admitted.

"I…honestly it's just that…your lips looks so inviting and my mind for that time…I was just dizzy and couldn't think straight. Sorry."

Hyunji didn't know what to say. Even though that she really freak out because of that kiss, but…a little part inside her heart is happy for that incident to happen.

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