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It's some kind of event that Hyunji had never been to. She was amazed by the lightings, and everything of the dinner. Everything is just so unfamiliar for her that she felt that she doesn't even belong to this circle.

"Joonmyeon!" A man around his forties approached Joonmyeon and Hyunji. Joonmyeon nodded his head at the man and greeted, "Uncle Park."

"Good to see you here, Joonmyeon. Everyone thought that you wouldn't attend for this year. I see that you are finally bringing a partner for this year. Girlfriend?" The man chuckled and asked.

"It's always unexpected for me to show up for this kind of events." Joonmyeon smiled and replied. "This is Song Hyunji, Uncle Park. She is my friend." Joonmyeon introduced, while Hyunji nodded slightly and smiled.

"I see. I'll see you around, Joonmyeon. Mr. Lee's dinner serves great foods and drinks. You might as well as bring your partner around to try them."

"Sure. Thank you, Uncle Park." Joonmyeon nodded politely at the man and he returned back with a smile as well.

"Come, let's go and have some foods first." Joonmyeon motioned Hyunji to go as Mr. Park left.

"Well, actually I'm not that hungry." Hyunji replied.

She is actually uncomfortable with this kind of events that it is her first time attending to it. Before coming she thought that the dinner that Joonmyeon meant is like a formal dinner with his friends, but she hadn't even think of this kind of event.

"If you feel uncomfortable, we can head back as early as possible." Joonmyeon suddenly said.

"Oh well I'm alright." Hyunji faked a smile and lied.

The dinner lasted for about four hours, with people going around to talk and also the person who organized the dinner to have a short speech. Joonmyeon was even invited up to the stage for a short speech as according to them, he is the youngest businessman who started off everything of the company all by himself. This actually made Hyunji surprised because she didn't even know that he has such a background.

Joonmyeon and Hyunji actually spend most of their time together, talking with each other, and of course, some other businessman would've come over and talk to Joonmyeon.

It was already eleven thirty when they reached the downstairs of Hyunji's house. Joonmyeon insisted to send her off upstairs, since that it is late in the night already and at this time, the rate of crimes happening are high.

Hyunji's legs are sore due to standing too long wearing the heels. She isn't used to it because she don't usually wear much high heels. She dislikes them. Of course. Not much women will like wearing heels. She always prefer sport shoes or sandals over heels.

"Goodnight." Hyunji told Joonmyeon, as the both stopped in front of her house.

Joonmyeon just smiled. "Goodnight." He replied as well. "So I guess that I'll see you around?"

"Yeah." She nodded and said.

"Okay then." Joonmyeon nodded as well. Hyunji personally thinks that the two wouldn't be meeting again, unless Joonmyeon actually has someone he likes and come over to buy flowers again. She thought that it will be their last meeting. She knew that she doesn't belong to his circle.

Hyunji turned around and started looking for the keys in her purse, when she felt her waist was being held and she was being turned around.

Another unexpected kiss from him. She was too shocked that the purse in her hand fell off. It was different than last time.

Joonmyeon's hands were holding on her thin waist, tilting his head to get a better access to her lips. She reached her arms to his neck and wrapped them around it. She doesn't know why, but she wanted this. She wanted this moment to last long.

The kiss broke and Hyunji looked away, feeling awkward about it. Joonmyeon stared at her for a while, then tucked her long hair behind her ears. "You look beautiful."

"You should go back now. Goodnight, Joonmyeon." Hyunji said.

"Can I go in? Just for a while." He suddenly requested.

"Alright." She replied.

Joonmyeon said nothing but kneeled down to get the purse that Hyunji dropped. He inserted the keys and held her hands, leading her into her house after opening it.

"Can we talk?" Joonmyeon asked, after the both sat down in the couch.

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"I…I want us to be together."



Sweet lies is such a beautiful song that I can't stop listening to it. Anyway, the MV is so great (I personally like it a lot)! Please please please do not forget to stream it :)

Thank you for reading this story

- Jocelyn

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