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"That was cute oh my god." Jungyeon squealed after Hyunji told her about the date between her and Joonmyeon. Jungyeon is extremely excited for the things going between the two since she has high expectations on the two.

"You should really tell me yours someday." Hyunji said.

"I'll think of it? What happened next? Aren't you two together yet?" She asked.

"Well he told me that he will be waiting for me until I accept him. I told him that I wasn't ready for this yet."

"Aw, that's kind of sad but no worries, I'm sure that there will be a day that you accept him."

"Honestly, I'm thinking of this too recently." Hyunji said, and picked up her phone which is ringing.


"It's Joonmyeon."

"I know." Hyunji smiled a bit and replied.

"Can I go to your house tonight? For dinner. I am actually craving for some homemade foods."

"Well sure…but my mother will be home today."

"Is that okay for you? Or maybe I can just go when your mother isn't around."

"No it's okay. I am…actually planning to tell her already." Hyunji replied.

"About us? Well I'll prefer you to tell her after you accept me but that's okay too. Your mother has the right to know who is courting her daughter too."

Hyunji blushed a bit. "See you."

"See you later. And Hyunji?"


"I miss you already." Joonmyeon said at another line. He then chuckled. "Alright, I have to get back to work. I have a meeting later. I'll call you when I'm outside your house or downstairs."

"Okay." She replied and ended the call.

"Him again?" Jungyeon smirked and asked.

"Do you even have to ask?"


Hyunji had just finished preparing the kimchi stew that Hyunjong loves when Joonmyeon came. She rushed to the door and to open it after placing down the pot on the dining table.

"Good evening, Hyunji." Joonmyeon smiled at her as he entered the house.

"Good evening. Come in, please." She smiled as well and let him enter the house.

Joonmyeon gave her a bunch of flowers and said, "White carnations, for the you who are innocent, sweet and lovely."

"Thank you." Hyunji blushed a bit and took the flowers. She closed the door behind her and asked Joonmyeon to sit down in the dining table, while she went to call her mother and Hyunjong for dinner.

"Good evening, eommonim." Joonmyeon bowed deeply at Hyunji's mother as she came out from the room. Hyunji's mother smiled and nodded. "You must be Joonmyeon."

"Yes, I am." Joonmyeon smiled politely and replied.

"Annyeong hyung!" Hyunjong greeted happily when he saw Joonmyeon.

"How have you been, Hyunjong-ah?" Joonmyeon smiled as he ruffled his hair.

"I'm good, hyung." Hyunjong grinned widely.

"Alright, Jong, it's time to eat. It's your favorite kimchi stew for today." Hyunji slightly pulled Hyunjong away from Joonmyeon and settled him down in his own seat. Hyunjong had just started going to elementary school and he is actually adopted by Hyunji's mother five years ago, when her dad is still with them.

Hyunji sat down beside Joonmyeon and they ate the dinner. Her mother was asking him about what he work as, his families, his educations and a lot more when they are eating dinner. Hyunji personally thinks that it is kind of unnecessary because they are not together and yet her mother acted like they are going to marry already. She tried to stop her mother from asking too much but every time when she wanted to speak, Joonmyeon will just hold her hands and tell her that it is fine.

It is already eight thirty when they finished the dinner. Hyunji's mother went on to tuck the little boy to sleep while the two of them, Hyunji and Joonmyeon were doing the dishes. She actually asked Joonmyeon to sit in the living room and watch some dramas, but he insisted in helping, so she just let him.

"Your mother is really nice. She's a strong woman." Joonmyeon commented, as he followed behind Hyunji to her room.

"She's the strongest woman that I've ever seen." Hyunji smiled and said, pushing opened the door and turned on the lights. Joonmyeon walked around her room, looking at all those pictures she had there, while Hyunji was settling down the white carnations.

"You look cute when you're still a child." Joonmyeon commented.

"Really? My father always tell me that I don't look pretty." She paused for a while. "But well…he is just joking about that."

Hyunji sat down beside the bed after settling the flowers. Joonmyeon quietly sat down as well, then said, "You must've missed him a lot."

"I did…but it fades as time passed. I still miss him and the times we had together. He used to bring me to the amusement park but now…he's bringing the child of his other woman to there."

Joonmyeon patted her back softly. "You have me now."

"You know, actually I am still regretting that I didn't attend to his wedding last year. He begged me to go but I can't even forgive him. I can't wish for him to be happy with another woman after he left my mother." Hyunji sighed. "Am I a bad daughter?"

"No you aren't. It is normal for you to feel this way." Joonmyeon said. "Don't cry, Hyunji." He softly wiped off her tears that are falling down and said.

"I suppose that we should go on to the amusement park tomorrow. It's Sunday…isn't it?"

"Yeah." Hyunji replied.

"Good. I'll pick you up tomorrow." He smiled and kissed her forehead lightly. He then pulled her into a hug, caressing her back.

"Hyunji." He suddenly called.


"I might've asked you for this a lot of times already…can we…be together?" Joonmyeon released her from the hug and looked at her, while holding her hands.

"I don't know, honestly. Joonmyeon, you're actually the first ever person that ever made me feel this way. It's hard to describe how I felt right now because it's just…everything is new to me." She confessed.

"I know, I know. It's your first time and it might be hard for you. Believe me, Hyunji. I wouldn't leave you. We'll be the first happy ending that you'll know." He said. "It wouldn't be a risk for me and you together. Trust me that I will always be with you."

He brushed his fingers against her lips softly and asked in a low voice. "Can I?"

Hyunji nodded slightly. Joonmyeon smiled, before pulling her in for a kiss. Their third kiss.

He moved closer to her and made her sit on her lap, while continue kissing her. She naturally wrapped her arms around her, while his hands were on the back of her head, pressing it slightly to deepen the kiss.

The two were lost in the kiss. And that, is the most meaningful kiss that they had ever shared.

9th of September, 2017. It marks the day when the two started being together.



Fact: it's 9th September 2017 today.

Power is so good! I love the MV a lot. Seeing them getting dorky is the best and also they're having fun for the MV I'm glad too :)

Ending soon 🔜

Thank you for reading :)

- Jocelyn

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