Can't even

19 1 0

Ok I can't even, I need to do more then THREE STORIES! (Liz, it's your fault) I'm really stressed and I'm playing a lot of Minecraft, so basically I'm still popping (is that how you say it?) ideas in my brain that I'm not using soooo... I need ideas (on welcome to pdh) and If you want give me recommendations on how to get stress out my head and be a responsible person (I want popcorn...) but yeah, HELP MEEEEEEEE! Anything helps, I'm just low on imagination... I'm gonna go eat popcorn and play Minecraft, and sadly prepare for school... oh and I forgot to say, The Lost Best Friend will be on hold until I get a schedule (when I typed sche, it said scholarship... LOL) but I'll see you Donuts in the next post, bye guys!
Song above Sorry by Justin Beaver (don't know how to spell his name... sorry... hehehe.... sorry not sorry!)
Sad word count 160

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