❀Update 0.1❀

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I'm Elizabeth mostly known as Lizzie or LizzieThePopcorn!

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I'm Elizabeth mostly known as Lizzie or LizzieThePopcorn!

It has come to my attention... that...

I'm quitting Wattpad- Nope just kidding!

A very kind person is going to do a face reveal if she gets 1k reads on on of her books.

And the bloody book is on 600.

So do me a favour

And go read her lovely book!

It has a nice storyline and the protagonist is a queen (not literally, but I'd make her the queen of England, even if the protagonist isn't English XD)

There's suspense, drama, comedy, and all the characters are well developed!

Soooooo, what I'm trying to say is... check this girl out!

(Mainly cause I wanna see the lovely face behind the screen!)

So here's the info!

Author's username: -philisnotonfire
Book: Cold as Ice and Hot as Fire {Age Of Ultron}
Genre(s): Drama, fanfiction. (In my opinion:3)

Now please go check that out!

Or I'll sneak into your room and steel your sweaters.

I'm Sirius...

Sirius Black: No I am-

Shhhhhh not now...

So now update on the books!

Imma do this professionally, in alphabetical order! Hehe!~


Alone- Happy Thoughts Denied
Status: Ongoing
Updates: Saturdays

Alone- Happy Thoughts DeniedStatus: OngoingUpdates: Saturdays

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