Can I annoy beautiful Kassie and Ashlee? #EpicTroll

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Yes, you two are my bffs yet, I haven't annoyed you yet... KassieTheTaco AshleeTheCringe check them out and spam the life out of their follow button (bu leave it on follow) I hope you girls can forgive me, let the tagging BEGIN!

1. What is your enemy's name?(If you have one)

2. What was the last sweet you ate and when?

3. Is it annoying you that I'm asking dumb questions?

4. Tell me the first thing that pops in your mind right now

5. What dumb thing did you do as a child?

6. What is the most depressing memory you have?

7. What time is it?

8. And I'm not doing it, HAH! (Plz don't tag me)


Answer honestly! Bye~ 
Word count 132~

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