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So I'm stressed out! I haven't told you guys of my part time job! I work for my dad organizing papers and I get stressed cause "Liz put them in alphabetic order and date!" Dad -.- I know, this is the 100th time you've told me. Btw, the sun is setting and it's making a pastel pink and pastel purple sky.... it'sa pretty! Anyways, I'm getting headaches since work and school, plus my fun is really low since I have no friends irl besides my crush (not saying her name) since she's made friends I usually hang out with her friends at school but at home... well ya know... me reads fanfics...(I know I'm spelling wrong but when I think of it, it sounds funny!) and English homework is easy! Yey! Now just math,  I love math more then the next person but sometimes I stress out, I had an assignment for tomorrow, and they sent it today... GO EASY DUDE! WE'RE NOT FREAKING ROBOTS! Tho I finished it, it wasn't very easy (Liz, use the calculator. No thanks, I do my things at hand) and tomorrow, we have sport, and I have skating -.- right after sport -.-' JUST END THIS MISERABLE LIFE! And I'm alone almost every night since my parent leave for work things
(-_-,) why don't you take me?? I work with you! "Liz you have school! Make dinner and go to sleep!" Yes mister grinch! Ugh! Well I'll post this weekend cause after Thursday comes Friday and I'm not free on Friday's either, I have pool, math, French and if I'm correct, English(???) so- oh yeah, in the morning I promised my dad to go on bike with him, then an animal show, after the Lady Gaga show, after in the night a game of chess... next day! Sunday!- movies... GOD WHYYYYYYYY??? But I'll see you next Monday! Probs Friday or next Wednesday... CHAPTER OUT ON 'Welcome To Phoenix Drop High' in three, two, one, GO CHECK IT OUT! Bye!
Word count 335!

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