Oh deary me!

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I've been tagged again... by Watergirl430 and well I guess I'll do it....


Question oneI don't know, I'm not much of a candy person

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Question one
I don't know, I'm not much of a candy person. I'm more of a chocolate person but if chocolate counts then chocolate! (I'm a chocoholic...)

Question two
I would say Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars.

Question three
Reading, writing, studying, etc. Well I'm basically a reborn Hermione.

Question four
I like wearing big sweatshirts and pyjamas shorts all day!

Question five
Umm well... I think it's because not much people were nice to me when I was younger so I like to give people what I didn't get I guess... but don't believe me ask the dishes!

Question six
I'm bi.

Question seven
I adore roses! They're the best! Like we grow roses at my apartment, cause though, dem roses are the best.

Question eight
I fear people... in a way, I'm very self-conscious so people judging me.

Question nine
I want to make everyone happy in the world! That sounds cliche... I want to write books to make people happy! Yeah that works!~

Question ten
Definitely Harmione (Harry and Hermione) cause even Joanne (J.K.Rowling) admitted that they should have ended together but she had planned Ron and Hermione! So yes Harmione.

Question eleven
My favourite emoji? Maybe 🦁 the lion?

Question twelve
I like cats, cats, and lions.

Question thirteen
A bird, I do not want to say where I'm from until I'm comfortable enough with Wattpad but it's a bird.

Thank you for tagging me and asking me why I'm nice! I'm not tagging anyone cause I think it was only meant for us so we would feel special **blushes** If not Then I'm sorry for assuming but nonetheless you are very nice! Thank you!

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