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*Play song*

Today's the anniversary from when me and Andrea met... we lost contact some time  ago and- It makes me sad... it's our 3 year anniversary and I'm very sad I'm not spending it with her... October the 2nd... the most special day of my life... when I met her, I'm sure she already replaced me and everyone she knew but I can just dream she didn't...

I'm glad I got to meet someone like her and I just want to say something; even tho your probably not reading this, and if you are, you probably don't care... I love you, I miss you and I hope I can see you again... I know that if you don't remember me, you won't remember what we went through, the day I lost you was the worst day of my life... March 13 2017, Monday 7:15 AM... I remember like it was yesterday... I was at school so I couldn't see you one last time.. last time I saw you in person was March 14 2017, Sunday 4:54 PM... at a restaurant then we went to my house... your parents came to pick you up... you didn't want to leave, I didn't want you to leave...

We had a fight 1 minute before she left... leaving me not caring that she left... I regret it... regret fighting with her, regret not meeting her before, I regret everything... I know even if I write this she won't reply, or be with me but- I still love her... and I wish her the best of luck.....

But just know.......

You were my knight in shining armor...

She saved me from bullies and I was great full, she stuck by me to protect me, I was happy, she already had a best friend and that made me sad... after a while we did become best friends but that was two years later... we did not meet in kinder cause in that moment I wasn't in my origin country, I was 4 and I was studying English in New York... thank you so much for sticking with me and I hope you remember me...
(Was supposed to be posted October 2nd but dumb Lizzie forgot! Yay!)

Song Kiss The Rain by Yiruma
Word count 382

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