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Bloody hell I'm so dumb

Story time!

So at school my friend and I saw a girl in her onesie, and I sad that I could come o school in my pyjamas

And I said it was a onesie

She dared me, and said I'm not capable of doing it....

The gryffindor in me said that I'd do it on Thursday

I'm so bloody scared!

Why did my inner lion agree! Curse my Gryffindorness!

Why did I agreeeeee!

But my arrogance, confidence, playfulness and courage are not letting me back down!

I'm a gryffindor for Merlin's sake!

And I heard her talking with one of our friends saying that I would chicken out!

I'm not a bloody coward!

I'm doing it! I'm going to bloody strut into the school and show everyone to never doubt my lion heart!


(I'm shaking, and scared, but I'm no coward!)

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