JA Part 4

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Part 4:

When NK and Khushi went to Dr. Alex's room, Dr. Mathew and Dr. Stella was called by nurse, who is in duty in ICU, informing them about Arnav's dropping heartbeat and pulse rate. Both the doctors rushed to ICU, to check him. When they entered inside, they noticed the importance of the treatment they should give him. Immediately they gave all the necessary medicines in the form injection and treatment. But nothing worked. They tried their level best to bring him back from that stage. But they know all their trails going to be vain. The doctors sighed deeply and discussed with each other about what treatment they can try for last time. So they did that what they discussed and decided. As a last attempt they gave him electrical shock for bring his heartbeat back (I don't know the particular name of that treatment... sorry). They tried.... again tried.... again tried.... and again tried... but nothing happened... they increased the power for shock. When they going to put the equipment on Arnav's chest, they stopped from hearing a "NOOOOOOOO..."

Everybody turned their heads to the source of the shout. And every person in ICU including NK got their shock to see Khushi in this condition. She ran inside and pushed the doctors, who are trying to give shock to Arnav. NK cursed god for keeping his friend in this situation. He immediately ran to Khushi, who is getting panic and shouting at doctors and held her tightly.

"What the hell are you doing to him? Why are you doing this all to him? He is fine, nothing will happen. Why are trying to hurt him. He needs rest that's all. Don't do this to him. Please he can't bear that... please I beg you don't do this to him" said Khushi while crying badly.

NK, who is watching her along with others, dragged her before other doctors come out of their shock.

"No Bhai... please leave me... I want to go to him. I can't see him like this. They are hurting him. He needs me... just leave me Bhai. Let me go to him. It is really painful for him. Please Bhai... let me go" Khushi cried her heart out.

NK tried a lot to control her but he couldn't. To bring her back from her panic state, he slapped her hardly. Khushi fell back on the floor with the intensity of the slap. NK immediately grabbed her in his arms and tried to calm her. "shhhh.... It is ok doll, he will be fine. Relax... they are just treating him for his own benefit. He will be fine..."

"No NK Bhai... what they are doing it will give pain to him. My dad said it pained him a lot after gaining his conscious, when they gave same treatment to him. He said it will be unbearable pain. Please stop them Bhai. He can't bear it. Please stop them."

NK tried to console her, where somewhat he is successful saying "Relax doll... if we don't do this we have to lose him. If it gives pain also, it will be good for him. Trust me he will be fine. And please control yourself. You are making things hard for him. If anybody knows that we know about him, it may affect his security. This is the same reason police also not ready to reveal his accident to media or his family. Try to understand Khushi. Please control yourself before him. Otherwise you will lose him. You will lose a chance to be with him. Try to understand Khushi. And try to be strong for your Arnav Ji. You have to be strong for him. He needs you now. Please...."

Khushi heard everything what NK said. She is crying her heart out by holding NK. After some minutes, NK made her cool down and took her to the ICU.


Everybody who is watching the retreating figures of NK and Khushi came out of their shock by hearing nurse's words.

"Doctor... we are getting late. He is losing his life. We have to do it."

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