JA Part 19

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"She met with Dr. Jayson, her psychiatrist"

"Psychiatrist?" whispered shocked Arnav.

"Hmm... we don't know the reason for her visits to psychiatrist. Hospital people are not ready to reveal things about her to our manager. They said it's a strict order from her family not to reveal anything to anyone. NK admitted her in hospital for treatment. She is okay now, but she is not talking with anyone. She is not mingling with anyone. She almost stopped living her life and she is living her life like hell. She is completely depressed. But she is recovering"

"FAMILY? She doesn't have family damn it. I'M HER FAMILY; I won't allow anyone to be her family. SHE IS MINE... I will take care of her. ONLY I HAVE RIGHT. Aman, arrange my travel to Sydney tomorrow itself. I need to go to Khushi. I'm worried about her. She deserves happiness Aman. I can't leave her there anymore. I already made a grave mistake leaving her there all alone, not anymore. You just take care of everything here. You can go now and make everything ready"

"But ASR, you are not well. I think it will be good if you go there after some more days"

"No Aman... I don't want to wait anymore. Now I know what I need in my life; which person is important in my life; which person I want in my life. Now I know who is what. Now I know who is perfect for me. It's Khushi, only Khushi. I will go and bring her where she belongs – here. You just go and do arrangements" ordered Arnav. He bid bye to Aman and went to Nani's room

"Nani... can I come in?"

Nani nodded her head. Arnav straight went inside and sat in front of her. Holding her one hand in his, he kept his head on her lap. Unable to control the love for her grandson, Nani started to stroke his hair. Arnav closed his eyes feeling the warmth from his Nani

"I'm not bad person Nani. I'm just scared. I'm just scared of betrayal. I'm just scared of left alone. Trust me Nani I'm not a bad person. I really wanted to be with Khushi. She is such a lovely girl Nani. I never ever saw anyone like her. She is full of life Nani. But I'm scared to bring her here Nani. What if I hurt her with my anger? What if I hurt her with my beliefs? What if I hurt her with my rude behaviour? I don't want her to be hurt Nani. She deserves happiness. After seeing Akash in that situation, I couldn't bring my heart to trust anyone Nani. I'm scared Nani, please help me. I too want to be happy in life. I too want love in my life. I too want to meet my soul mate, spend life with her. Tell me Nani, what I have to do? How to come out of my fears? How to make my heart to trust others? Tell me Nani, please help me" Arnav cried his heart out in his Nani's lap.

Seeing her grandson in that vulnerable state, she hugged him tight and tried to sooth his pain.

"Sh... Chote... don't cry. Relax... sh..."

"How can I Nani? I'm tired Nani... I want Khushi in my life. I want happiness in my life. When you and Di didn't listen to my words, I really felt bad Nani."

"But, whatever you said to Khushi was not correct Chote. After living with her for almost around 2 months, how can you accuse her? Do you really think that she will do things for money? Do you really think that she will try to use you? Do you really think that her love for you is fake?"

"No..." he whispered.

"Then? Why did you say those words?"

"Nani... I was confused Nani... I needed her support that time. I really wanted to be with her that time. I never wanted to leave her there. When she didn't allow me to talk with her, I was hurt. My anger took control and in my anger I couldn't understand what I was saying. I had hurt her badly. But now, I'm ready to ask forgiveness. But I don't know whether she will accept my apology or not. But I need her Nani... please help me Nani. What to do now?"

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