Chapter 1.

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  Arthur walked down the hall to his next class, walking at a bit of a quick pace. He had his nose in his book, yet he couldn't exactly focus. There happened to be a loud American who was following him at the moment. Arthur was quickly losing his patience. He just wanted to get away from the other.

"Artie? Hey Artie! Are you listening to me? I'm still talking! Come on bro! Don't ignore me!" The boy shouted loudly, as always.

Arthur shut his book and glared up at the taller boy. "Oh shut up already you git! I'll ignore you if I want, and obviously I want to! I have no interest in talking to you, so would you please leave me alone!?" Arthur snapped.

Arthur was in his Senior year of high school, he had somehow made it through the past few years with Alfred. He met Alfred in middle school, and right from the start, Alfred annoyed the crap out of Arthur. Alfred was loud, way to energetic and just so annoying! Arthur would attempt at avoiding the loud boy, but would fail every time. It was literally impossible. Even when he would tell Alfred that he wants to be left alone or even if Arthur straight up tell Alfred that he can't stand him, Alfred always comes back. Arthur didn't understand why. It made no sense to him. Why follow someone who doesn't like you? Arthur obviously wanted nothing to do with Alfred, yet Alfred still followed him every where.

Alfred pouted as he walked with Arthur still. "Come on dude! Don't be like that! You know, you don't always have to act cold around me! I'm your friend bro!!"

Arthur groaned as he faced Alfred. "I've told you hundreds of times, you're NOT my friend!!" Arthur sighed softly in relief as he saw his class room, quickly moving to it.

Alfred just smiled. "See ya later Artie!" He said as he then left to go to his own class.

Arthur balled his hand into a fist. "Don't call me that!! He shouted after Alfred, even though he knew Alfred hadn't heard him. Even if he had, its not like Alfred would listen. Listening wasn't exactly something Alfred did.

Arthur sat down at his desk and got out his notebook, ready to take notes. Arthur was a student who always did his best. He was always called a nerd for it. He was a try hard, but he didn't care what people say. He didn't like any of them anyways, so why would it matter to him? He just wanted to get good grades so he could graduate as soon as possible and get the hell out of there.

He yawned as the teacher went through the lesson, he didn't need to take notes since he already knew about this lesson. Arthur was ahead of the class quite often, so he tended to have a lot of time to think. He knew he'd be able to do the homework quickly, so he allowed himself to day dream a bit.

He found himself thinking of Alfred for some strange reason.

It's too bad he's annoying as all hell. He's quite attractive, and he is ki- Arthur!? What the fuck!? You're thinking about Alfred! Stop it you git!

Arthur shook his head to shake away his thoughts. Now Arthur wasn't straight. And he knew it. But he wasn't sure what he was. He was quite confused, but he didn't find romance too important at the moment. All the focused on ever was school, so he never had time to worry about romance.

Arthur felt a tap on his shoulder, surprising him, making him jump a bit and be pulled from his thoughts. He looked up to see his teacher. "O-oh! Sorry about that! How can I help you?"

The teacher just rolled her eyes. "If you were anyone else I'd give you detention for not paying attention in my class, but I'm honestly not worried about your grades so I'll let it slide. Just don't let it happen again, got it?"

Arthur noticed that the class room was empty, meaning the bell had rang and it was now lunch. His cheeks turned light pink, being embarrassed for slacking off. "Thank you! I'm so sorry, it won't happen again ma'am!" He said as he quickly gather up his things.

The teacher nodded her head then headed to the door. "Good. Have a good day Mr. Kirkland." She said then left to go have lunch.

Arthur groaned to himself. "I can't believe how stupid I am! God I'm so embarrassing." He said out loud.

"That wasn't that bad! I do that all the time dude! Dont worry!"

Arthur looked up to see Alfred standing in the door way, he instantly became irritated. "What the bloody hell are you doing there!?"

Alfred grinned at Arthur, just making the Brit even angrier. "I noticed you weren't at lunch so I came to see if you were okay! But all that happened was you dozed off a bit in class!"

Arthur's face was red with embarrassment. "Shut it!! I'm embarrassed enough about that, don't make it worse!"

Alfred tilted his head a bit. "Why are you embarrassed? Dude it's totally normal to do that! I do it all the time!!"

Arthur groaned as he grabbed his bag and book. "I hope you're not trying to cheer me up because my god you suck at it. Why the hell would I want to be compared to you? You should be embarrassed! You shouldn't be falling asleep in class! You should be focusing!!" Arthur said then walked out of the room and past Alfred.

Of course, Alfred just followed him, pouting slightly. "Come on dude! Its not that bad! It was a one time thing for you, and you didn't even get in trouble! That's pretty cool!!"

Arthur took a deep breath, calming himself down a bit so he didn't yell again. "It would have been better if it just never happened!" His voice was harsh, he was extremely annoyed and still a bit embarrassed.

Alfred put his hands up in defense. "Hey man don't yell at me! It isn't my fault! You did it yourself!"

Arthur gripped his book tightly and gritted his teeth. "Shut up already!!! Just go away!! God you're so annoying!! Take a hint you idiot!! Leave me alone!!" He shouted then quickly stormed off, leaving Alfred to be confused on what he had done wrong.  

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