Chapter 11.

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  "About ready babe?"

"Yes. Just making sure we got everything!"

Alfred and Arthur were ready to go home. It was about an hour drive to get home, and they didn't want to get home to late. They would make it home around 5.

Arthur grabbed his bag after making sure they had gotten all their stuff out of the room. He smiled at Alfred and nodded his head. "Alright, we got everything."

Alfred grinned and took Arthur's hand. "Let's go then!"

Arthur nodded his head and walked with Alfred out to his car. He threw their bags into the trunk then got into the passenger seat.

Alfred smiled at Arthur when he got into the car. "That was a fun weekend, huh?" He winked at Arthur as he spoke, making the Brit flustered.

"It was.." Arthur said quietly.

"Oh yeah! Good news! If you'd like, you can come home with me after school Friday and stay the weekend at my house. My parents are gonna go pick Mattie up at the airport on Sunday, but they decided to spend the weekend in town." Alfred said with a grin as he drove.

"Oh yeah, isn't Mathew your brother?" Arthur asked.

Alfred nodded his head. "Yup! He's been in Canada for the past month. He goes there every few months or so. He really likes it there."

Arthur nodded his head. "I don't think I've ever met him. I know you've talked about him though."

"Dude what are you talking about? You have classes with Mattie. And he's hung out with us quite a few times."

Arthur shook his head. "I must not remember then."

"I'm not surprised. Most people don't even remember him!" Alfred said and laughed a bit.

Arthur just shrugged and looked out the window. "So then, I'm coming over to your house this weekend?"

Alfred nodded his head. "Yeah! As long as you wanna!"

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Of course I want to you git."

Alfred grinned. "Sweet! Maybe we can go on a date after school Friday then!"

"As long as no one sees us." Arthur said.

Yes, him and Alfred had been together for a few weeks now, but he still didn't feel like making their relationship public. He was more worried about his parents finding out than anything. He knew they'd be upset. Not only did they want him to stay out of relationships till he was done with school, but he was in a relationship with another guy. He didn't know what his parents would think of that, nor did he want to find out.

"Of course Artie! I already told you, I'm not gonna do anything to make you uncomfortable. Don't worry about it dude!"

Arthur sighed and nodded his head. "Thank you, love. I appreciate it." He said although it was obvious he was still worried.

"Arthur." Alfred said softly as he grabbed the Brits hand gently. "I know you're worried. Especially about your parents. Its obvious. But seriously, I'm not going to let them find out for as long as you want to keep it from them. Its going to be our secret. I promise."

Arthur looked down at their hands, squeezing Alfred's slightly. "Thank you, love.. I really do wish that I could just be with you like normal couples. But honestly, I'm scared that if my parents found out, they wouldn't let me see you ever again."

Alfred rubbed the top of Arthur's hand with his thumb. "Artie, listen. Even if they did somehow find out, you know I wouldn't let that happen. I love you too much to lose you. Even if they tried to separate us, I'd make sure to find a way. Okay?"

Arthur smiled softly and nodded his head. "Okay." He squeezed Alfred's hand a bit again. "I love you Alfred.. So much."

"I love you too Artie. Now." Alfred grinned and laughed a bit. "Let's have a happier conversation!! No more sad shit! Smile babe!"

Arthur shrugged and looked out the window. "What do you want to talk about?"

Alfred frowned. "Artieee! You gotta smile!"

Arthur rolled his eyes and gave him a small forced smile. He couldn't help it. He was still thinking about his parents. Even after all Alfred said, he was still worried. What if Alfred tried to see him again, but failed? Arthur didn't want to have life without Alfred.

"No! That's not your smile!" Alfred smirked. "If you don't smile, I'll pull over and tickle you!!"

Arthur glared at Alfred. "You will do NO such thing!!!"

"Oh really?" Alfred hummed as he began to pull over.

"N-no! Don't!" Arthur moved in his seat to sit as far away from Alfred as he could.

Alfred laughed and got back onto the road. "Okay okay! I just wanna see you smile though. I hate seeing you sad."

Arthur sighed. "I'm not sad love, just a bit worried."

"Well I don't like seeing you be worried either."

The rest of the car ride went by pretty fast, Alfred finally managing to get a smile out of the cranky Brit with his jokes and stories.

Arthur groaned as they got to their neighborhood. "I don't wanna go home." He mumbled.

Alfred sighed. "I know Artie. I don't want to either. Bad sadly we're both still in school. But hey! You get to come over this weekend! That's good, right?"

"Yes, it is." Arthur said as he nodded his head. It wasn't so much that he had a problem going home, he just wanted to stay with Alfred.

Alfred pulled up to Arthur's drive way and kissed his head. "I'll see you at school, okay?"

Arthur blushed a bit and nodded his head. "Okay. See you tomorrow." He smiled as he got out of the car. "I love you."

"I love you too Artie!' Alfred said with a grin.

Arthur waved bye as he walked into his house with a smile. He had had a pretty damn good weekend.

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