Chapter 2.

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  Alfred never understood why he made Arthur so angry. All he ever did was be friendly! He wanted to be friends with Arthur, and he didn't plan on giving up. He never was hurt by anything Arthur said to him, that was just how Arthur was. He said those things to everyone. Alfred had a small crush on the Brit, he was just so cute! He wasn't about to give up either. He didn't care so much if Arthur didn't return his feelings, he just wanted to be friends with Arthur at least.

Alfred waited outside the school, it was finally time to go home. But instead of heading home as soon as he got out, he waited for Arthur like he always did.

He grinned when he saw Arthur walk out of the school, waving happily. "Artie!! Hi!!"

Arthur froze for a moment and groaned a bit, but Alfred didn't hear it. He then walked again, not bothering to stop. He walked past Alfred.

"Goodbye Alfred." He said as he walked towards his house.

Alfred ran after him quickly. "Arthur wait! Come on dude! I was gonna ask you if you're hungry! I'll take you out to lunch! You missed lunch today since you were day dreaming right?"

Arthur looked away, he was hungry but he didn't want to be around Alfred. "I'm fine. I can cook something at home."

The American laughed loudly. "Artie! You can't cook!"

Arthur frowned and glared at Alfred. "My cooking is just fine!!"

Alfred grabbed Arthur's wrist, dragging him, making Arthur almost fall. "Come onnn! Just come to lunch with me! I'm gonna pay!"

Arthur grabbed his book before it fell and walked with Alfred, so he didn't have to get dragged anymore. "Fine!! Then will you let me go home!?"

Alfred grinned and nodded his head. "Yeah dude!"

Arthur rolled his eyes and put his book into his bag so he didn't lose it. He crossed his arms. "Let's just make this quick. I have homework I'd like to get done."

Alfred walked with Arthur to the McDonalds near their school with a smile on his face. "But don't you finish your homework like, really fast? You're super smart so it can't be that hard for you. Just relax a bit!"

Arthur looked away from Alfred. "Well yes, I do get it done fast. But I like to get it done as soon as I can. Aren't you worried about your homework?"

Alfred chuckled a bit. "Ha yeah. I forget to do my homework every night."

Arthur hit Alfred on top of his head making the American put his hands on his head and pout. "Ow!!!"

"Idiot! You should worry about your homework!! You're in high school! Grades matter you git! And if you don't turn in homework you won't get good grades!! What even are your grades?"

Alfred chuckled again and rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean I haven't failed anything.. But I mean, I'm pretty close to failing. I don't understand my homework! Its all so confusing! I don't do well with studying either."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Get a tutor then."

Alfred puffed out his cheeks a bit. "I don't wanna! People who are tutors are so boring!" He then suddenly grinned. "Unless you tutored me!! You would be a cool tutor!"

"I will do no such thing! Why would I spend extra time with you!? You're lucky I'm even going to lunch with you. Idiot."

Alfred smiled still. "Come on dude! It's not that bad! It would be fun!" He winked at Arthur, making Arthur's face turn bright red.

"W-what the hell is that supposed to mean!?" Arthur said being flustered.

Alfred looked at the Brit, he didn't understand why he was so suddenly flustered and freaking out. "I mean like after we do the tutoring we could watch movies or play games or something. What else would it have meant?" He asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Nevermind!! Look, there's the McDonalds! Let's just go!" Arthur said, walking quickly into the building, not bothering to wait for Alfred.

Arthur you git! What the bloody hell is wrong with you!? Why did you think that way!! He was saying something so innocent but NO you had to be all pervy at the wrong damn time!! What the hell is wrong with you!! It's Alfred!! Why even think like that about him anyways!

Arthur quickly ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, seeing his face bright red. He quickly splashed some cold water on his face then walked back out to see Alfred who was confused on where Arthur had gone.

Arthur walked up to Alfred, refusing to look at him. "Let's just order."

Alfred grinned and nodded his head.

Alfred began ordering as soon as he could, ordering massive amounts of food. Arthur's jaw dropped, he knew Alfred ate a lot, but THAT much?? That can't be healthy. The lady behind the counter looked just as shocked. She turned to Arthur and smiled a bit hesitantly.

"And for you?" She asked, obviously afraid Arthur's order would be the same.

Arthur ordered himself a medium soda, fries and some chicken nuggets.

The girl sighed in relief that Arthur's order was a normal one.

Arthur was extremely shocked at the price of their food, it was expensive. He then remembered Alfred's order and was no longer surprised. He was a bit worried though, could Alfred afford it?"

Sure enough Alfred paid the bill, smiling brightly. As they went to sit down and wait for their food.

"How the hell did you afford that!? " Arthur asked, being completely shocked.

Alfred grinned. "Well my parents are out of town for the month, and they know how I eat. So they left me plenty of money for food!"

"That's so much money. Your poor parents."

The girl called their number and Alfred quickly jumped up, grabbing their trays. They had to move to a bigger table so they could fit all of Alfred's food on it.

Even though Alfred had three times the amount of food Arthur did, he still finished before the Brit.

Arthur looked at him, a bit concerned. "How the hell did you eat all that already!? There's no way that can be healthy, my god."

Alfred just shrugged and smiled as he waited for Arthur to finish eating.

Once Arthur finished, he threw away his trash and looked at Alfred. "Well uh, thank you for lunch. But I need to be going now." He then headed for the door, only to have Alfred grab his arm to stop him.

"Artie wait! Please come to my house! I seriously need help with my homework. I don't understand it! I know you'll understand it though!"

Arthur pulled his arm away and walked outside, Alfred following him. "No! I already told you no! Go get a tutor!"

Alfred grabbed Arthur's arm again, pulling him back a bit to hard, causing the Brit to fall into Alfred's chest.

Arthur pushed himself away from Alfred, blushing heavily. He tried to rip his arm out of Alfred's grip again but couldn't. "If it'll make you let go of me then fine!! J-just don't do anything like that again!!"

Alfred's cheeks were a light pink from being so close to Arthur just a moment again. He then grinned and let go of Arthur's arm. "Deal!! Now let's go!!" He said and lead Arthur to his house.

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