Chapter 3.

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  Arthur had been tutoring Alfred for about two weeks now. And it had honestly been helping Alfred quite a bit. He managed to raise all his grades a bit, he even got a good grade on a test!

Arthur walked towards Alfred's house, it was Sunday, but Alfred was worried about another test on Monday and had convinced Arthur to come over to help him.

Arthur was beginning to be a bit more friendly towards Alfred. He didn't want to admit it, not even to himself, but he was having weird feelings lately. Every time he was close to Alfred, his heart would melt and he'd blush a bright red. Everything Alfred did would make him flustered, though he tried hiding it. He tried blocking these feelings out of his mind. He didn't want to think he liked that idiot. But he knew he didnt, he just didn't want to admit it.

Arthur knocked on Alfred's door and looked down at the ground.

"Artie!! What's up dude! Thank you for coming!" Alfred grinned and opened the door for Arthur.

Arthur walked in, not saying anything. His face was already a light pink.

Alfred frowned at the Brits quietness. He also noticed Arthur's red face.

"Dude are you feeling okay?? If you're sick you should've told me!! I feel so bad!" Alfred led Arthur into his kitchen and started looking around. "I think we have tea somewhere, want me to make you some? You like tea right? And tea helps with sickness right?"

Arthur just blushed more, seeing Alfred so worried about him. He felt a tingle in his stomach. "A-alfred I'm fine! I'm not sick! L-let's just go start studying!" Arthur said as he headed to go to Alfred's room.

Alfred ran after Arthur, accidentally tripping on a shirt he had left on the ground in his room. He accidentally fell on Arthur, making the Brit hit the ground hard.

"Ow!! Alfred what the hell!!" Arthur groaned and held his head in pain. He slowly opened his eyes to see Alfred on top of him. His hands were next to Arthur's head, one on each side. One of his legs was between Arthur's legs, his other next to him. He was looking down at Arthur, his hair looked a bit messy and his eyes were full of concern.

"Artie are you okay!? I'm so sorry!" Alfred said quickly.

Arthurs face turned a bright red. Shit he's hot!!"

"I am pretty hot huh?"

Arthur blushed even more. "W-what!?" Shit shit shit!! I said that out loud!

A small smirk made its way to Alfred's face. "You're pretty good yourself Artie!" Alfred said and winked.

"S-shut up you git! I didn't say anything! You're hearing things! Get off me!" Arthur squirmed a bit under Alfred, trying to get away, afraid of embarrassing himself anymore. He secretly enjoyed being this close to Alfred.

Alfred didn't move. He just laughed, wanting to tease the Brit. He was grinning, hearing Arthur complement him was the best thing that had ever happened. "I know I heard you. Don't deny it Artie!" His smirk came back. "And why should I move? I don't mind this. I bet you don't either."

Arthur continued to squirm under Alfred, trying to get away. He was completely embarrassed about what he had said. While trying to move away from Alfred, he accidentally moved a bit closer. He had accidentally moved to where his crotch brushed Alfred's knee, making a small moan escape his lips.

Alfred blushed darkly as well now, hearing such an erotic noise come from the Brit made him flustered.

Arthur bit his lip, being even more embarrassed now. He squirmed again, wanting to get away and just run home to hide in his room away from the embarrassment. But he didn't get away. He managed to make it worse. He kept accidentally rubbing himself against Alfred. He then held still, being embarrassed and not wanting to accidentally touch the american again. His pants had gotten a bit tight, he looked away from Alfred. He knew there was no way to hide the buldge that was forming in his pants.

Alfred did indeed notice Arthur's little friend down in his pants. He smirked and moved his face closer to Arthur's, he whispered in Arthur's ear. "You know, I can help you with that. Just give me permission, and I'll make you feel amazing."

Arthur shivered slightly and bit his lip. He wanted Alfred. He really did. But he didn't want to admit it. It was so embarrassing! But he couldn't just ignore his body's wants. It wasn't just his body that wanted Alfred. He wanted Alfred in general. He wanted to be with Alfred. He was just too embarrassed and stubborn to ever say that.

"What do you say Artie?" Alfred asked softly.

Arthur still looked to the side, refusing to look at Alfred. He nodded his head a bit, giving Alfred his permission.

Alfred grinned and pressed his knee to Arthur's erection, his lips attaching to his neck.

Arthur covered his mouth, not wanting to make anymore embarrassing noises. He shyly spread open his legs a bit more, giving Alfred more access down there.

Alfred chuckled a bit at Arthur. He thought Arthur looked so cute. He licked and sucked on the Brits neck, making sure he didn't leave marks in any visible places.
He quickly took off Arthur's shirt, wasting no time in kissing down his chest.

Arthur shivered slightly under Alfred, he was extremely sensitive. Every touch made him more excited. He wanted more of Alfred's touch. He opened his legs more, and uncovered his mouth. "A-alfred.. Touch me.." He said softly, still looking away.

Alfred blushed more and felt his own pants get tight. Arthur was so cute, the poor Brit was so embarrassed, but so desperate. It made Alfred excited, knowing he was the one who made Arthur like this. Never did Alfred imagine that he'd ever see Arthur like this. It just wasn't something he expected. But he wasn't going to complain. He loved this side of Arthur.

"As you wish Artie." He slid one of his hands down Arthur's hips, then slowly moving it down to Arthur's crotch. His pants looked painfully tight, but Alfred wanted to tease a bit more. He wanted to hear Arthur beg, he found it so cute and sexy why Arthur would shyly beg.

Arthur moved his hands to try and make Alfred touch him more. "S-stop teasing me!"

Alfred chuckled. "As you wish." He removed Arthur's pants quickly, smirking as he looked up and down Arthur's small body.

Arthur covered his face, trying to hide his blush. "Its not fair if you keep your clothes on.."

Alfred blushed but kept his smirk. He removed his shirt and pants a bit slowly, he could see Arthur peeking out of his hands to watch him strip. He then picked Arthur up, making him wrap his arms and legs around Alfred.

Arthur moaned softly, feeling his erection press against Alfred's. He bucked his hips a bit, wanting more.

Alfred laid Arthur down on his bed and started to grind down on him roughly, making Arthur let out the moans he had been hiding.

Arthur's arms wrapped around Alfred's neck, his hands ran through his hair as he pulled Alfred's face close to his own. He locked his lips with Alfred's, and Alfred instantly kissed back. Alfred gently bit Arthur's bottom lip, making Arthur gasp. He slipped his tongue into Arthur's mouth, marking all his territory. Arthur let out soft moans into their kiss, bucking his hips again to get Alfred to keep touching him as they kissed.

Alfred's hand slipped into Arthur's pants as he continued to roughly kiss him. He slowly and teasingly began to stroke Arthur, his thumb pressed to the tip.

Alfred broke their kiss for air, he smirked at Arthur. Arthur was a horny mess. His eyes were clouded with lust and want for Alfred, his face was bright red and he was trembling slightly I'm excitement.

"A-alfred." He moaned out softly. "P-please. No more teasing. I need you." He said softly.

Alfred took off both their boxers and rubbed against him again, making Arthur moan louder.

"Arthur, this is your first time right?" Alfred asked gently, he was honestly afraid of hurting Arthur. He knew this would hurt no matter what, but he also knew that it would quickly turn into pleasure.

Arthur shyly nodded, "y-yes."

Alfred nodded his head and moved his hand down to Arthur's ass. He slowly entered one of his fingers. Arthur squirmed a bit, not used to the feeling. It didn't hurt, it was just a weird, new feeling. He soon got used to it and Alfred added in a second finger. Arthur bit his lip, feeling a bit of pain. He panted softly and gripped the bed sheets as he adjusted. Once he adjusted he moaned softly. Alfred began to move his fingers slowly in and out of Arthur, being careful not to hurt him. Arthur moaned again and arched his back a bit. Alfred added in a third finger and started scissoring him, making Arthur squirm a bit.

"Is it too uncomfortable? We can stop if you'd like Artie." Alfred asked softly, not wanting to push Arthur.

Arthur shook his head. "N-no, its okay. Its just weird. I'll get used to it." He bit his lip and looked away. "I-i think I'm ready Alfred."

Alfred nodded his head and removed his fingers, and replaced them with his member. He entered Arthur slowly and let out a moan.

Arthur gripped Alfred's shoulders, feeling pain shoot through his body. Tears filled his eyes as he dug his nails into Alfred's skin.

Alfred held still once his pushed in all the way and kissed Arthur gently. "Its okay Artie. It'll feel better soon, I promise." He wiped away Arthur's tears as they fell from his eyes. Arthur panted softly as he gripped onto Alfred. He kept his eyes tightly shut and held still, hoping the pain would leave quickly. He knew it was going to hurt, but he didnt think it'd hurt this bad. Then again, Alfred was also a lot bigger than he had expected.

When he felt the pain disappear, he bucked his slightly, feeling pleasure through his body. He let out a moan, letting Alfred know he was ready.

Alfred started to slowly thrust, he panted as well, both their bodies covered in sweat. Arthur moaned and arched his back, pressing his body to Alfred's. "A-alfred! M-more!"

Alfred didn't hesitate, he happily did as Arthur asked, giving him more. Alfred lifted Arthur's legs, making them wrap around him, letting him thrust deeper into Arthur.

Arthur moaned loudly, no longer trying to hide because of his embarrassment. He didn't care anymore. It felt to good to care. All he cared about at the moment was Alfred, and he wanted more from Alfred.

Alfred moved fast, going deep into Arthur with every thrust. Arthur got louder with every thrust. He was almost screaming in pleasure at this point. "A-alfred! I-im go-gonna come!"

Alfred reached his hand down to quickly move up and down Arthur's member, his mouth moved to his chest to suck on Arthur's nipple as he thrusted harder, wanting to make Arthur have his release.

Arthur dug his nails into Alfred's back as he screamed for him and came, making a mess on both their chests.

Alfred let out a moan, feeling Arthur tighten around him and came, deep inside of Arthur. Alfred panted as he pulled out, laying next to Arthur and pulling him close, trying to catch his breath.

Arthur curled up in Alfred's arms, panting softly as well.

"Hey Artie?"

"Yes?" Arthur responded, a yawn following after.

"I love you."

"I-I l-love you too Alfred."

Alfred smiled brightly. He was going to talk to Arthur a bit more, but the Brit was already asleep. Alfred smiled softly and kissed the top of Arthur's head.

"Night Artie."

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