Chapter 12.

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"These are all so embarrassing.." Arthur mumbled as he scrolled on his phone. He had decided that he wanted to surprise Alfred a bit this weekend. But, if he wanted to do that, he had to pick out and order an outfit tonight so it got there by Friday. Thankfully he could get one day shipping on any of the outfits.

"I didn't think trying to be a bit sexy would be so damn embarrassing!" Arthur groaned and continued to look. He knew Alfred already had some plans for them, he had hinted at them all day at school today. But Arthur wanted to have some plans too, he didn't want Alfred to plan everything.

The main problem was, he didn't know what Alfred liked. He wanted something that would instantly make Alfred want him, something that would really turn him on. But what?

He remembered once that Alfred had said he wouldn't mind seeing Alfred in some sort of lingerie. It was embarrassing to Arthur to even think about putting on something meant for girls, but if Alfred would like it, he decided he'd try it. He had already picked out a pair of lacey panties and a matching lacey bra. They were black and green with cute little bows on them.

Now, what to wear on top of that? That was where he was stuck. He wanted a good outfit. He knew that Alfred wanted to see him in girl clothes, so thats what he had been looking at.

After a few hours of searching and blushing from embarrassment, Arthur had finally decided on a short, tight, light pink nurse dress.

"He better fucking like this." Arthur mumbled as he ordered the outfit and undergarments. He turned off his phone and put his head in his hands. "What the hell is wrong with me?" He said blushing. What if Alfred didn't like it and just thought it was weird? He'd be so much more embarrassed then! He shook his head. "Don't think like that. Of course he'll like it! Bloody pervert."

Arthur sat up and grabbed his phone again, dialing Alfred's number.


"Hello, love. How are you?" Arthur had a bit of a plan. He was going to see if he could figure out at least SOME of what Alfred had planned for their weekend.

"Hey Artie! I'm good! You?"

"I'm good. Just a bit bored."

Alfred laughed as he spoke. "Bored hmm? Or are you horny again and wanted to hear my voice as you jack off?"

Arthur's face turned bright red. "No! Shut up you git! That won't happen again! Is there something wrong with just wanting to call my boyfriend for a normal conversation?"

Alfred laughed again, he could tell Arthur was flusted, he could just imagine the blush the Brit had. "I know, I was just kidding! But don't say it won't happen again, I quite enjoyed that night. Though I much rather it when I'm there in person to be the one touching you."

Arthur shook his head. "Knock it off!"

"Okay! Okay! Sorry! I'll save that for this weekend."

Arthur blushed slightly. "Speaking of this weekend.. What exactly are we doing?"

"Why would I tell you that? I'm gonna surprise you babe."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "Maybe I want to be the one to give the surprise arsehole." He mumbled.

"What was that?" Alfred asked, not catching what Arthur had said since it was so quiet.

"Nothing! I didn't say anything! Now can't you just tell me what we're doing?" He crossed his arms. "I'm curious."

Alfred laughed. "I can just imagine your face right now! You're arms are crossed aren't they? And you've got that cute little pout you always make when you don't get what you want."

"Hey! I don't pout!" He quickly uncrossed his arms, not wanting to admit Alfred was right.

"You do babe! And it's the cutest thing!"

"Shut up! I do no such thing." He rolled his eyes. "Now are you going to tell me what we're doing this weekend or not?"

"Nope! I can tell you we're going on a date, but that's it! I'm gonna surprise you for our date!"

Arthur groaned. "Well I guessed that you idiot. That doesn't help me."

"Help you? What do you need help with?"

"N-nothing!" Arthur's face turned red. He just wanted to figure out about what they we're doing, that way he could plan when to surprise Alfred. But obviously, Alfred wasn't going to cooperate. "Can you at least tell me what day our date is?"

"Saturday. Why? Dude are you okay?"

"I'm fine! Look, I need to go, I have to do my homework."

Alfred gave a dramatic gasp. "You haven't already done it!? Who are you and what did you do with Artie!? He would have done it the second he got home!"

"Oh shut it!! I was busy.." Arthur said quietly.

"Busy? With what?"

"N-one of your business!!" Arthur shouted and quickly hung up. He dropped his phone on his bed as he fell back and laid down.

What the hell is wrong with me? He's gonna know something's up now..

Arthur's thoughts were indeed correct. Alfred knew Arthur well, he could tell when the Brit was hiding something.

Alfred chuckled when he heard Arthur hang up. "I wonder what Artie's got in mind?" He smiled and decided he'd text Artie bye since he didn't get to really say it.

"Hey Artie! I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow then! I love you!!"

Alfred couldn't help but smile to himself. "I wonder what Artie's got in mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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