Adventure 2 Seperation. Chapter 1

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Winter has begun. Eclipse and Nightshadow are searching for the last of the berries and bring them back to the cave where they will spend the snow filled season with their daughters.

"Where should we look?" Eclipse asked as they walked out of the cave. "I think remember seeing a couple of berries left on the edge of the woods at the other side of the lake," Nightshadow replied, "Lets go there first." "Race you!" Eclipse excliamed. Then he sped iff with Nightshadow right on his tail.

Once they reached their destination, they slowed to a halt. "I think it was over here," Nightshadow said when she caught her breath, "follow me." They walked on.

"I remember!" Nightshadow exclaimed after a little while. "I crawled under this bush and the berries were on the other side." "Great, lead the way." Eclipse replied. Nightshadow crawled under the bush and stood up on the other side. Nightshadow sniffed the air. "Hey, whats that strange scent?"

Suddenly, she was lifted into the air! She looked up and saw that it was a male human! The man put her into a thing that was silver and hard and locked the exit. She couldn't get out!

"Help! Eclipse! Help!" she cried. Eclipse burst through the bush. "Nightshadow!" he yelled when he saw her traped. The man put the cage on the back of something with four round paws and a shiny pelt, then got into the thing himself. Nightshadow could see Eclipse over the edge of the big thing she was on.

The thing started to run away! Eclipse chased after it. "Don't worry," He called, "I'll save you!" "No, you have to stay with the girls!" she called back. "But-" "I'll find my way back! I promise! I love you!"

The thing sped up and Eclipse slowed down to a halt. Nightshadow looked back at Eclipse with tears in her eyes and a fake smile until he was out of sight.

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