A2 Ch6

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Nightshadow had been traveling for a week and has not seen anything that looks familiar. Now, it was getting darker by the minute, she would have to find a place to rest. There was a patch of pine trees up ahead.

It had been cloudy all day, and now, it had started to pour down rain. "Maybe the trres can block the rain, or there's a tree with a hollow trunk," Nightshadow said to herself, "I hate rain." Her fur clinging to her body, Nightshadow ran to the pine trees.

When she reached the edge of the woods she slowed to a halt. She felt as if someone was watching her. Nightshadow started walking slowly towards the trees. "I'm tired, I'm wet, I'm hungry, I'm really not in the mood for a fight right now..." Nightshadow kept mumbling to herself.

Suddenly, an Aura Sphere shot out from behind one of the trees and hit Nightshadow so hard that she was flung back! Nightshadow scrambled upright. "Who's there?" she yelled. A tall pokemon shot out from the trees and raced toward Nightshadow with amazing speed!

The strange pokemon put their paw on Nightshadow's shoulder. Force Palm! Nightshadow thought, and was instantly flung back. She tumbled into the mud, and when she got up, was covered in it. "Now I'm really angry!" she yelled at the figure. She used Shadow Ball but the pokemon blocked. What kind of pokemon is this? she thought. It was dark and pouring rain so she couldn't make out what pokemon he or she was.

Lightening flashed and thunder boomed soon after. In that moment, Nightshadow saw that it was a female Lucario who was her opponent. "Oh great," Nightshadow huffed, "a Fighting-type." The Lucario shot foreward. This time Nightshadow had a plan for the Force Palm. She would dart to the right and bite the Lucario's arm.

But, instead of using Force Palm, her opponent slid under her, and before Nightshadow had time to react, the Lucario kicked Nightshadow into the air!Nightshadow landed with a hard thud.

"Ugh..." Nightshadow moaned. She was beat and she knew it, but she still stood up, though trembling, to face her enemy. The rain poured down harder, another flash of lightening cracked through the sky and a boom followed that hurt Nightshadow's ears.

When she looked up, she was shocked to see the Lucario standing right in front of her!

"I'm sorry, Eclipse. I tried..." Nightshadow whispered weakly. Then, she fell to the ground.



Told you there would be more action! ;)

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