Adventure 3 New Friend, Old Enemy Chapter 1

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Nightshadow was only vaguely aware of what happened after she passed out. She could feel herself being picked up and the rain pounding down on her, but nothing else except darkness.

Nightshadow suddenly sprang up. She couldn't remember what dream she had but it had startled her. It was lighter outside but still raining. She was inside a cave, like the one back home, and standing in a big nest of soft, dry moss and pine needles. "Where am I?" Nightshadow asked to no one in paticular. "You are in my home." answered a voice from deeper inside the cave.

Out of the darkness, came the Lucario that had beaten her. "You!" Nightshadow started to back away but a sharp pain shot through her. She yelped and fell to the ground. The Lucario rushed to her side. "You are still healing," she said, "lie down and rest." "Why should I trust you," Nightshadow snapped, "You're the one you almost killed me!" "Well, I could have, but I didn't." the Lucario stated. The Lucario tilted her head and looked down at Nightshadow, "Do you want your wounds to heal or not?" Nightshadow looked away and mumbled a yes.

"Then lie down on my nest and rest while I go fetch my healing herbs to finish a mixture to make the pain go away." Then, she turned to the back of the cave and started to disappear into the darkness when Nightshadow asked, "What's your name?" The Lucario stopped but didn't turn around. "I...I don't have a name." Then she disappered completly.

Nightshadow layed down in the nest and stared at where the Lucario had gone. She doesn't have a name, Nightshadow thought, that's so sad. She must have been alone here for a very long time. Nightshadow closed her eyes and went to sleep.


Nightshadow awoke to something being slathered on her side. She sat up straight and looked at the Lucario. "What are you putting on me?" she asked. The Lucario kept rubbing the smelly paste on Nightshadow's wounds and replied, "This will make the pain go away and heal your wounds faster." She glanced up at Nightshadow, "By the way, you never told me your name. Do you have one?" Nightshadow felt uneasy, "It's Nightshadow." "That's a nice name. It suits you." Then, she went back to work.

Nightshadow didn't know what else to say so she decided to just lay down and let the Lucario do her thing. She touched her neck to feel the purple stone Amy had given her, but it wasn't there!

Nightshadow jumped up, it hurt but she didn't care. "Where is it?" she exclaimed. "Where's what?" "My purple stone! It was around my neck hanging from a chain. I got it from a friend and its really important to me!" She searched frantically around the cave.

Then, she had a horrible thought. "Oh no," she said, "what if its out there!" She ran to the entrance of the cave. It was still raining but only a little. "I'll help you look." Lucario said, smiling down at her. Nightshadow looked up and smiled back at her. "Thanks." "Don't thank me yet. We still have to find your stone."

They searched the ground and through the mud, but didn't have any luck. So, Nightshadow's ex-foe showed her the place where they battled. "Maybe it fell off during our fight." Lucario suggested. "Maybe..." Nightshadow sighed, losing hope.

They decided to try and retrace their steps. They both felt pretty akward. reenacting their battle since they were friends now. "Then I raced over to you..." They heard a crack. "Uh, I think I found it." Lucario said lifting her paw. She picked up the chain and brushed some mud off the stone, they saw there was a small crack in it. "I'm so sorry, Nightshadow." "It's okay," Nightshadow  breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm just glad to have it back."

"Here, I'll put it around your neck." Lucario bent down and slide it over Nightshadow's head. "There, perfect." Nightshadow looked down at thepurple stone, "I'll never forget you, Amy." she whispered. "Did you say something?" "No, nothing." Nightshadow smiled to herself.


Hey! Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

So, what do you think of Lucario? I would really like to hear from you guys. I'll happily take any advice you have to give.

Anyway, please Vote Comment and Share! :)

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