A2 Ch5

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Over the next few months, Amy and Nightshadow have fun playing in the snow, battling wild pokemon, and just chilling by the fireplace. Still, everyday Nightshadow thinks about Eclipse and the girls, and every night the nightmares get worse and worse. Finally, spring arrives.

"Wow, spring is finally here!" Nightshadow exclaimed, jumping around. "I guess you're really excited about finding your way back home." Amy said with a fake smile. Nightshadow stopped and looked up at Amy. "Amy, its not like that...I've had a great time and I'd love to stay here a little longer, but I have to get home. Eclipse and the girls probably think I'm never coming home."

Amy sat down and Nightshadow climned into her lap. Amy started stroking her. "I know you have to go back,  but I still wish you didn't.  I wish you could stay here and I...I thought you and I could maybe go on a journey together." Amy looked down at Nightshadow tears in her eyes. "No, no don't cry, Amy."Nightshadow said nuzzling Amy. "Yeah, I guess I better stop crying." They smiled at each other.

They went outside and had an afternoon picnic. "Oh, I forgot something!" Amy exclaimed after they finished lunch. She ran back inside, and came back out a few minutes later with something shiny in her hands.

"Here, Nightshadow. It's something to remember me by." Amy kneeled down and lipped something around Nightshadow's neck. "There, you look beautiful, not that you didn't before. Now you look even more beautiful." Amy said with a real smile on her face. Nightshadow looked down to see what was around her neck. It was a pretty purple gem in a shiny metal frame hung on a silver chain. "It's beautiful," Nightshadow said, about to cry, " I'll keep it always." "I'll never forget you, Nightshadow. Hopefully, you won't forget me." Amy looked down at the ground.

"How could you say that?" Nightshadow exclaimed, "I'll never forget you!" Nightshadow licked Amy's cheek. "I know, I know! I gey the message!" Amy started laughing as Nightshadow continued to lick her face, " Stop that tickles!" "Now, no more crying." Nightshadow said sternly. She then looked Amy in the eyes and smiled. "Yeah, you're right." Amy replied.

"Well," Amy said, "I guess you better get going so you get a good start before it gets too dark." "Yeah, I guess I should." "C-can you promise me that you'll come back someday and go on a journey  with me?" Amy asked.

"I wish I could but the forest is my home and I have a family," Nightshadow explained, "and they need me as much as I need them. That's why I have to go." "I think I understand what you're trying to say," Amy looked at Nightshadow, tears streaming down her face, "It's just that...I'm going to miss you so much." "I'll miss you too, Amy." "Can't you at least promise me you'll come back to visit me sometime? Hey, maybe you could bring your family with you!" Amy smiled at the thought. Nightshadow brushed against Amy's leg, "We'll see."

"Good, I'll wait for you," Amy nodded, "I dont care how long it takes. Until I see you again, I won't start my journey." Nightshadow smiled, she knew that was a big sacrifice for her. Amy bent down and hugged Nightshadow, and Nightshadow licked her cheek.

"Good-bye, Nightshadow!" Amy yelled to her when she was at the top of the hill. Nightshadow looked back at Amy. "Bye, Amy." Then, she ran off.



So I know this chapter is kinda boring and cheesy but it had to be done.

The next adventure will be More action packed I promise!

Anyway, let me know what you think so far.

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