A3 Ch2

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By nightfall, Nightshadow's wounds had almost fully healed. Nightshadow made herself comfortable in her new friend's nest. "Are you sure you're okay with me sleeping in your nest?" Nightshadow asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Hmm..." "What?" "You gotta have a name." "Well, maybe you could come up with one for me." Lucario suggested. "I guess...I mean, I'll try." Nightshadow thought for a while.

Finally, Nightshadow came up with a name. "Now, I'm just spitting out an idea here so if you don't like it just say so." Lucario was becoming impatient, "Well, what's my new name?" "Okay, okay! Geez," Nightshadow sighed, "what do you think about...Kira?"

The Lucario looked like she was thinking about it. "Kira...Kira...Yeah, that's a cool name. I like it!" They both smiled as Nightshadow said, "Okay, then from now on you wil be known as Kira." They both shouted with joy, then fell over laughing.

You what, Nightshadow?" Kira asked when she caught her breath. "What, Kira?" "You never told me why you were wandering around my territory." "Well, first off, it was pouring rain. And second, well, I needed a place to sleep for the night." "Wait, are you saying that you're going to leave?!" Kira asked. "I have to...I have to get back to my family."

There was a long silence, until Kira asked, "What's your family like?" "Well, there's Eclipse, he's an Espeon, and I love him so much. We have twin daughters that we named Twilight and Dawn." Nightshadow looked outside than continued, "They're both shiny like me. I miss all three of them so much."

Nightshadow told Kira all about them and their territory. "I hope I'm not boring you. Am I?" Kira shook her head, "I like hearing about youe family. It makes me remember all the good things about mine."

Nightshadow wanted to ask her how she lost her family but thought better of it. It looked like she didn't want to talk about it. She'll talk when she's ready I suppose. Nightshadow thought.

There was another long silence. "How were you seperated from Eclipse and the girls?" "Well, it's a long story." Nightshadow replied, looking down at her purple stone. Kira leaned back and smiled, "I've got all the time in the world." "Okay, but if it gets too boring-" "Just start!" "Okay, okay!"

Nightshadow told Kira about how she waa poke-napped, how her and Amy bonded over time, and everything up to when they met. "And you know the rest." Nightshadow concluded. "Yeah, sorry about, you know, almost killing you." Kira apologized. "That reminds me." "What, Nightshadow?" "Why didn't you finish me off like any normal pokemon would do?"

"To tell you the truth," Kira confessed, "I would have finished the job, but I heard you mumble something right before you collapsed. Then, I could sense that your aura was full of love, of longing, full of sorrow and regret." Kira looked away, "I knew I had to help you."

There was yet another awkward silence.  Finally, Nightshadow spoke, "Do you think you could help me find my way home?" Kira smiled, "Of course." "Maybe,"Nightshadow suggested, "if you want, you could be apart of our family."

A tear streamed down Kira's cheek. "I would love that!" She leaned over and hugged Nightshadow.

When they seperated, Nightshadow yawned, "Well, we better get some sleep. We'll talk more tomarrow." They both settled down on the ground. "Good-night, Nightshadow." "Good-night, Kira, and thanks." "For what?" "For being a friend." "You too." Then, they drifted off to sleep.


Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Tell me what you think so far. Please Comment, Vote, and Share! :)

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