A3 Ch8

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Eclipse came back a few minutes later with a Revival herb and a small branch of Oran Berries. "Thanks." Nightshadow said as she took the Revival herb and berries.

Then, she poked Kira's side gently to wake her up, "Come on, Kira. Time to wake up." Kira opened her eyes slighty and looked up at Nightshadow. "Jist a little longer." Kira mumbled. "No, you have to eat these." She replied firmly. "Fine." Kira teied to sit up, "Oww..." She moaned, and laid back down. "Are you okay?" Nightshadow asked. "I'll be fine," Kira replied, "just hand me aome of those berries."

Eclipse plucked the berries off the branch and gave them to Kira, who looked up at him. "I see that your eyes aren't glowing anymore." Kira commented as she ate one of the berries. Eclipse looked down at his paws, "I'm sorry I hurt you, Kira. You see-" "Nightshadow told me everything." Kira interrupted, "I'm jist glad that Nightshadow's back with her family."

Eclipse and Nightshadow looked at each other. "We have to find the girls." Eclipse stated. "You can't find them?" Kira asked, "I'll help look." She sarted to get up but Nightshadow stopped her, "No, you need to rest. You want to get better don't you?" "Fine." Kira mumbled. She soon fell asleep.

Nightshadow and Eclipse left so as not to disrurb her.

"Thanks for letting Kora sleep in your nest, Eclipse." "Actually," he started, "That's your nest. I got rid of mine a long time ago, so I could sleep with your scent but it son faded away." His cheeks become red. "Well, it looks like we'll have to sleep in the same nest now, won't we." Nightshadow said, then nuzzled against him. Eclipse smiled, but then they both remembered the task at hand.

"You don't think they'd leave the territory do you?" Nightshadow asked. "Let's tey to find their scent trail." Eclipse suggested.

Soon they picked up Dawn and Twilight's scent trail, and it was fresh. Oh girls, Nightshadow thought, where are you?

They followed the trail deep into their territory. They had been walking in silence, when suddenly, they heard rustling in the branches above them "Look out below!" a voice shouted from an Apple tree.

A big Apple fell from the tree and hit Nightshadow on the head. "Ow!" Nightshadow exclaimed. Two identical faces popped through the leafy branches. "Mom!" they shouted. Twilight and Dawn scrambled down the trunk of the tree and jumped onto their mother, knocking her over.

The girls bomb-barded Nightshadow with questions. "Oh, Mommy, we missed you so much!" "Where were you?" "Why did it take you so long to get back?" "How far away were you?" "What was it like?"

"Girls, girls! Stop asking so many questions and let me get up!" Nightshadow ordered. They jumped off.

"I knew you'd be back, but Twilight wasn't so sure." "No, I said that Daddy kept saying she wasn't coming back!" The sisters glared at each other. Then Twilight looked up at Nightshadow. "Mom, Daddy's eyes were glowing white and he was kinda scary." she reported. "I know." Nightshadow replied then licked the tops of their heads.

Eclipse stepped foreward. "I'm sorry, girls. I didn't mean to scare you," he glanced over at Nightshadow, "I jist missed your mother a lot." They ran up to him and nuzzled his legs, "It's okay, Dad."

"Now, why were you two all the way out here by yourselves?" Nightshadow asked. "Oh we've been doing this for moons!" Dawn answered. "When  you were taken," Twilight said, "Daddy would sometimes go out in the forest during that blizzard a coupleof moons ago." Tye sisters took turns explaining.

"After the blizzard, Daddy would still patrol the forest. So, we went and explored!" "While he was gone it was up to. us to find food when the berry pile was running low." "At first, Dad 's eyes would glow only for a short time, but after a moon his eyes glowed all the time. He would even shout at us for no reason!" Dawn explained with a glance at Eclipse, whose tail was now drooping down to the ground. "Sometimes, he wouldn't be back until the next day, so everyday, Dawn and I go out to collect berries and apples so Daddy would have something eat when he does come back." Twilight stated.

"We're just glad that your eyes aren't glowing anymore. And that your back, Mommy." Dawn finished. "We missed you both a lot!" Twilight added. "I missed you too." Nightshadow said, "Now, take that big Apple and let's go back to the cave, there's someone I want you to meet."


Hi! Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. It's been crazy a lot recently.So please don't hate me!

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