A3 Ch7

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Eclipse nuzzled Nightshadow's cheek, "Oh, Nightshadow! Where have you been? I thought I'd never see you again." "It's a long story, Eclipse, and I'll tell you everything later. Right now, I've got to help my friend Kira."

"Kira? Who's Kira?" Eclipse asked he watched Nightshadow walk over her. "She helped me find my way home." Nightshadow replied. She slithered under Kira and stood up so she good carry her to thier cave.

Eclipse rushed over to help, but when he saw Kira he stopped and stared. Finally, he shook his head and took some of Kira's wheight off of Nightshadow.

"I did this, and I hurt many other pokemon for no reason." Eclipse said as they walked. "Yeah, you kind of went crazy." "I'm sorry, Nightshadow. I missed you terribly, and...after a while...I thought you weren't coming back." Exlipse looked down at his pawsin shame. Nightshadow nuzzled Eclipse's cheek, "It's okay, Eclipse. Before, I thought I'd never see you or the girls again."

Eclipse looked up at her with fear in his eyes, "The girls! They must be terrified! I-I've been in that dark place for so long, there's no telling what I might have done!" They looked at each other, horrified! "We have to hurry!" they said at the same time. They ran as fast as they could while trying not to drop Kira, which wasn't very fast.

Finally, they reached the cave. "Dawn! Twilight!" they called, but there was no answer.

They walked to the back of the cave and put Kira down on Eclipse's nest. "We have to find the girls." Nightshadow stated. "No, right now we have to help your friend. She's in critical condition. We can find the girls later, I'm sure they're all right, I wouldn't have hurt my own daughters even in that state of mind." Eclipse said trying to convince Nightshadow and himself. "I'll go find some Revival herbs and Oran Berries. You stay here and watch her, Nightshadow." Elcipse left the cave.

Nightshadow looked down at Kira, "Thank you, Kira. Thank you for bringing me back home."


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