A2 Ch2

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Nightshadow woke up to the man picking up the cage. I must have fallen asleep, she thought. They were headed toward a large white structure. That must be where he lives."She's going to be so surprised when she sees that I got her a shiny Umbreon! She's always liked dark types." said the man.

When they went inside the structure, the man opened an entrance to another section, and said. "Now you stay right here." He set the cage down and opened it. Nightshadow ran out of the cage and scanned the room for another exit. The man left and closed the entrance.

"How do I get out of here?!" she cried. Nightshadow searched everywhere, she thought she found an exit on one side but there seemed to be a force feild or something. She tried to ram open the thing that the man used to block her exit when he left, but all she got out of that was a headache. Nightshadow flopped down and sighed in defeat. "I wonder what Eclipse and the girls are doing." she said to herself.

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from the other side of the exit. The man was speaking. "I think you're old enough to have your own pokemon, Amy." "Really, Daddy?!" It sounded like a little girl. "Yep, that's why I caught you one." The man replied.

The man entered the room followed by a smaller human girl. The man closed the exit behind them. Curses, Nightshadow thought. "It's a shiny Umbreon!" the girl squeled so loud that it hurt Nightshadow's ears.

The girl approached Nightshadow and Nightshadow backed away slowly and growled. "I don't think it likes me." the girl said. "Ya think," Nightshadow growled, "Wait, did you just call me it?" "It's okay," the man replied, "The thing just has to get used to you." "Now you're calling me a thing?" The man left the room and closed the exit behind him.Leaving the girl all alone with Nightshadow.

I can't attack her, Nightshadow thought, I mean she's just a little girl, she doesn't know any better. "Hi," the girl said interrupting Nightshadow's thoughts, "I'm Amy." Amy reached out to touch Nightshadow but she backed away. "Are you a boy?" Amy asked. "What are you? Blind? Do I look like a boy?" Nightshadow yelled. Amy backed away. "I'm sorry," she said, " I can't understand you but i'll take that as a no." Oh, I forgot humans can't understand pokemon.

She never actually met a human before, but back when she was a little Evee, she'd heard stories about encounteres with them.

"Do you have a name?" Amy asked. Nightshadow looked outside through the force field at the darkening sky. Hopefuly humans weren't really  as dumb as they were protrayed in the stories. "Moon?" Nightshadow shook her head. "Luna? No. Night?" Nightshadow nodded then looked down at her shadow. "Shadow?" Amy guessed. She nodded. "Night...shadow. That's your name. Nightshadow. That is a nice name."

Amy reached out to touch Nightshadow again, but she backed away. "I guess you still don't trust me." Amy sighed. "Well, I got to go eat dinner." Amy turned to leave, "I'll bring you some food in the morning." She closed the entrance behind her.

Nightshadow sighed and settled down on the ground. "I guess I'm staying here for the night." She looked out the force field, " Good-night, Eclipse. Good-night, Dawn. Good-night, Twilight."

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