A2 Ch4

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Nightshadow saw Eclipse wandering through their territory in the blizzard, calling for her. "I'm over here,Eclipse!" she called back. But Eclipse didn't hear her and disappered into the blizzard.

Suddenly, she was in the cave, looking at Twilight and Dawn huddled together. They looked straight through her. "I w-wonder what h-h-happened to M-m-mommy." Dawn said through chattering teeth. "I w-wonder w-when Daddy will be-e b-b-back." Twilight replied. They were both shivering and huddled closer together, staring out into the raging blizzard. "No, no you don't have to worry...I'm right here!" Nightshadow cried.

Nightshadow opened her eyes. She was curled up next to Amy on what she called a "bed".

It was only a dream, Nightshadow thought, but it felt so real. What if that's happening right now! But I can't go out now, I'd just be killing myself. At least, if I wait, I'll see them in the spring.

Nightshadow didn't sleep the rest of the night. All she could think about was Eclipse calling her name and the girls worried and huddled against the cold. Nightshadow curled up closer to Amy and listened to the howling wind.


I know it's short but I promise the next chapter will be longer. :)

So, how do you guys like it so far?

If you like it tell me so, and I am always open to New ideas. I am also open to any tips you have (I could really use it)

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