Pearl Harbor

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December 7th, 1941 is a day that I will never forget. Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Everyone was shocked and outraged. I was with my parents when I found out about what had happened. I heard it on the radio and I looked up at my father's face to see what his reaction was to the news, but my father never showed much emotion, but I could see in his eyes what he was feeling. My mother had her hand over her mouth and began to cry. She had known a sailor that was stationed there and she had a feeling that he didn't make it. I knew that we were trying our best to stay out of the war, even though we were sending supplies to England, we didn't want to fight. The bombing at Pearl Harbor woke everyone up. We knew we needed to get involved. The day after it happened I was reading the paper my father brought home. I opened it up to find the heading, "U.S. DECLARES STATE OF WAR." The caption was, "One Battleship Lost, 1,500 Killed in Hawaii." I studied that newspaper for what seemed like forever. I read, "Japanese dive bomber attacks on Hawaii left 3,000 causalities." I read further on in the article. Hearing about how all the soldiers were screaming, running around and how many people died made me want to cry. This was really happening. We were going to war. It felt too unreal.

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