Chapter 14

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"What do you mean?"

Featherpaw knew that Skypaw knew about this.

"You know what I'm talking about. Our father is in JungleClan. I'm just wondering if that's why you joined them."

Skypaw looked flustered as she mewed, "Who told you about our father?"

"An EagleClan ancestor named Deerfrost. Who told you?"

"A JungleClan ancestor called Shiningbreath. Are you going to tell Rainpaw?"

Featherpaw looked away, knowing that Skypaw would rather keep it a secret. Featherpaw hadn't been able to get Rainpaw alone since the dream.

Skypaw's gaze hardened, "You were planning to tell her, weren't you. She won't be able to take it!"

"You're just underestimating her!" Featherpaw hissed. "She's changed since you left us!"

Skypaw immediately lost any happiness or playfulness that was left in her, and Featherpaw knew that she shouldn't have said all that.

"Is that really what you think I did? Featherpaw, I thought that if anyone would understand, you would. I've only been gone for two moons!" Skypaw looked shocked.

"I'm just frustrated. Why can't we tell Rainpaw? She's our sister. She deserves to know." Featherpaw mewed crossly.

Skypaw snorted. "Think about it this way. I learned about it as a kit. It was the day Rainpaw got the thorn stuck in her paw. Would you have wanted to know that our father was in JungleClan, or that Blizzardwind had lied when she told us that our father was in EagleClan?"

Featherpaw thought about this and shook her head, knowing that Skypaw was right.

Skypaw had a look that said, I told you so, and she walked away with her head and tail held high.

She is so much more at ease than she was in the mountains, Featherpaw noticed as Skypaw stopped by a group of apprentices and stuck her head in the conversation. As Featherpaw watched Skypaw flick her tail and settle down next to her JungleClan friend, she wondered if Skypaw was right when she said that they shouldn't tell Rainpaw.

No, Featherpaw thought. Rainpaw deserves to know.

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