Vegan activists tend to throw out bate to draw in people to educate...
Sometimes they get a few nibbles...
These nibbles are reeled in and are often times excuses on why not to go vegan...
I'm here to reply to the excuses...
Welcome to VEGBATE
I'm going to give you an example in a different context to help you make more sense of a vegans standpoint on this...
When a human pays a hit man to kill/murder someone for them... is it the dude who paid the hit man who's at fault? Or the hit man? Maybe even both?
It's the same with animal agriculture. Money is what is driving everything.
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When ever you buy any product you are increasing the demand and thus the company/supplier must supply more if they wish to make more profit. (Supply & Demand). The consumers paying for the product is ultimately the driver of more products being created.
So to put this in terms of animal agriculture... when purchasing an already dead animal at the store (say this is your first time purchasing an animal product) the one holding the knife/ boltgun etc. Is the supplier, etc. the ones getting these products on the shelves are at fault for the first few deaths... but once the ball gets rolling and you among others are buying the products- the dead animals ... you are now the one demanding for more animals to be killed to take the one you have just bought's place (you are essentially hiring a hit man... but without your money/support the hitman wouldn't be killing). Just like if a company had very few sales and people disliked their product they wouldn't make anymore because they wouldn't be making enough profits.
So I hope this has helped you understand supply & demand a little more and you understand by buying an animal product you are causing an animal to be killed. Without you the consumer in the equation, it wouldn't happen.