Six•Home is with you

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At ten in the morning, as promised, Chaos and Order take us all to Olympus. As we stepped through the portal I noticed all the immortal campers were here. Chaos had warned me about them this morning. Let's just say we need a new lounge room.

I took a deep breath as I stood in line next to Order on my left, who was on Chaos' right, and Zoë, who was on my right. And then Leo, on Zoë's right. I was starting to freak out when I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Order smiling at me, I smiled back and relaxed.

"Hello, as the gods know from our meeting yesterday, we are here to aid you in the war to come. I am Chaos, creator of the Universe." He stopped but hurriedly added "Please! No bowing!" The army snickered at him and at the same time me and Blaze bowed and said in unison "As you wish, Lord of the Universe." That earned both of us smacks upside the head by Zoë.

He just sighed and closed his eyes, "Anyways, this is my army. I will have them introduce themselves, or maybe you would like to do all introductions, wouldn't you Ajax." He spoke in a taunting tone. I vigorously shook my head, I hated giving introductions. "Oh I think Ajax would just love to give the introductions." Said Charlie. "Shut it Blue."

"Fine, this time only with you all give separate introductions." Cue the aww's. I waved my hand and they all got in a line.

"We are the Omega Division, sector one, the best of the army. I am the commander of the whole army, Ajax." I gestured for them to continue.

"Nova, second in command of the army." Zoë spoke and and then stepped back in place.

"Blaze, third in command." Leo said practically bouncing in his spot. "Speedy, fourth in command." Luke said while stepping up then going back in place. "Destiny, fifth."

"And Tex, sixth in command. Also the daughter of Lord Chaos and Lady Order." People gaped at her. They could see her blue hair that was in a long braid going down, and you could tell it was her natural color.

"I'm Blue." Said Charlie. Amelia stepped up next, the two giggling about their names. I smiled at them, "Red, also a daughter of Lord Chaos and Lady Order." She said with emphasize on lord.

He hated formalities, but Order found it sweet and didn't tell us not to do it as often as Chaos did. "Luna." Silena said stepping up, along with Beckendorf, the two hand in hand. "Enigma." You could hear Aphrodite squeal and I swear I heard Piper say 'so cute'.

"Sugar." Castor grumbled while we snickered at him. He may have chosen the name, but swears it was a joke. Now he can't change it, mostly because we like to tease him with it. "Cyborg." Ethan went up next, followed by my two brothers. "Oreo."

"Delta." Theseus went after Orion. "Eclipse." Lee said, followed by Michael. "And I'm Arch."

Chaos clapped his hands together. "Great! They will be staying at Camp Half-Blood. Do not disrespect any of them, and as you know we have two children, and two adopted. Red and Tex are our daughters, and Ajax and Blue are our adopted children. But they are also brother and sister." Chaos cleared up. I looked at the campers and saw Piper and Hazel staring at me, or more specifically, someone in my arms.

I looked down, forgetting that I had Cosmos in my arms. I smiled and spoke to him. Hey Cozy, are you awake? He lifted his head up to me and opened his silver silver eyes. Hiya Ajax! How may I be of assistance? You have any steak? I rolled my eyes at him smiling Later okay? Do you see those two girls over there? The one with the feathers in her hair and the one with the golden eyes? He looked over and nodded his head at me. I smiled, they're good friends of mine. Would you mind going over to meet them? They seem to like you.

HOME IS WITH YOU | PERCY JACKSON Where stories live. Discover now