Nine•New Record!

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I woke up early this morning and got ready, once I had pulled on my cloak, I woke up Bianca. She groaned and rolled over hugging Cosmos to her, "Five more minutes." I smiled and chuckled at her, "C'mom B. I want to show you something." She groaned again but opened her eyes glaring at me. I smiled and pecked her nose, causing her to giggle and smile at me. "I'll be downstairs, meet me with Cozy okay?" She nodded and I left, waiting for her to get ready.

A half hour later she came downstairs, her hair going down in dark natural waves on her back, her black army pants and gray shirt, along with her normal black combat boots. I realized I had been staring at her and blushed, she laughed at me. "You okay there?" I smiled, "Of course you're just beautiful." She blushed and pecked my cheek. "So, what did you want to show me?" I grabbed her hand and led her out the door. It was only 5:30 in the morning, but we usually get up earlier then that anyways.

With Cozy on my heels, I led Bianca to the beach. We sat down on top of a little hill down the beach, having a perfect view of the sunrise and the water. She gasped, "Its beautiful." I smiled at her and we sat down, holding hands. I was starting to get nervous and my hands were sweaty. I took my hand away, wiping it on my pants. "S-sorry." She looked concerned now, "Hey, you okay Percy?" I just nodded and gulped.

"Um, I actually wanted to ask you a question." I say and she nods, never taking her eyes off of mine. I use this time to bring the ring box from my pocket, without her noticing. "We have been together for, gods, almost a century! Can you believe that! I have loved you for so long, words can't describe how much I love you and what I would do for you. I have been ready to ask you this question since our first date, but was waiting to do something first. But I'm doing it now.." I say while opening the box, she hears it and looks down, gasping while tears fill her eyes.

She looks back up with a hand over her mouth, crying. "Bianca, will you marry me?" She nods her head yes with a wide smile as I slide the ring on her finger. The band is made from what's known as Zark silver, with a black Zark diamond on top. Engraved on the inside is BxP with a heart. I smile as she reaches up and takes my hood down still smiling. She leans up as kisses me. I've never felt happier, I can hear Cozy in my head screaming
She said yes! She said YES! Jumping up and down beside us.

After a minute we pull apart smiling like idiots. We laugh as Cozy is still jumping up and down, Congratulations Ajax! I smile at him, "Thanks Cozy." We sit there for awhile. Until we hear the conch horn sound. I sigh, "Breakfast already?" She nods sadly and I get up. I help her up only to pull her into another kiss. She smiles into it and when we pull away I smile at her.

"When are we gonna tell everyone?" She asks me. "How bout after the war." I suggest and she smiles and nods. "But how will they not see the ring?" She also looking down at it, smiling when she sees it. I grin and make a black necklace chain appear, I slide the ring off of her finger and put it on the chain. She turns around and I put it on her, and she tucks it under her shirt. I kiss her one last time as I pull my hood up and we head down the hill.

When we arrive at the pavilion, we're 15 minutes late. Luke and Leo smirk at us while Nico smiles. When I sit down he comes over, "Did you ask her?" He whispers excitedly. My face lights up and I nod smiling. He looks over at Bianca and hugs her whispering a congratulations to us before going back to his seat. Everyone looks confused but doesn't say anything.

After we head to training and I decide to change my age. Bianca, Luke, Blaze and I, walk into the arena as six year olds. "Alright everyone." I say in a high pitched voice. Bianca starts giggling at it. "Same thing as yesterday, were just sparring, practicing with the skills you're most good with." They all stare at me like I'm crazy as I walk up and down the lines of campers. "Um-" Piper cuts off as she laughs a bit "Why are you six years old,
Ajax?" I grin widely. "The answer to that, miss McLean, is because I felt like it." I say. She just nods and keeps laughing, along with some others. As I'm grinning the conch horn goes off three times, signaling an attack.

I look at my team and we take off towards Half-Blood Hill, closely followed by the Alpha and Beta divisions that came out of the cabin. When we get to the top of the hill, we see a small army, of around 800 monsters. Leading them, is Hyperion. I turned to face the gathering campers.

"Stay back! We can take care of this! Stay in the border!" I didn't wait to hear an answer, as I turned to face Speedy. I grinned at him, "You know what to do!" He grinned back and nodded, as I charged into battle, by myself. I heard shouts of protests from the campers, wondering why I was by myself, but they stayed back nonetheless. In less then two minutes I was by Hyperion, his army gone. He stared gaping at me. "H-how, how-" I took his confusion to my advantage, charging forward and stabbing him.

He howled in pain but seemed to have gotten over his shock, which was now replaced by fury. He slashed angrily downward at me, missing, blind with outrage. I ran around him stabbing, slashing, blocking, dodging. Soon he was littered with cuts, while I was clean. I teleported behind him and just before I stabbed my sword through his heart, I leaned up and whispered

"I see you got out of your tree." His eyes widened, realizing who I was. But before he could do anything, I had plunged my sword through his chest. He disappeared and I teleported to the top of the hill.

I looked at the gobsmacked campers and grinned before turning to Luke, "Speedy! Time?" He looked up at me grinning. "3 minutes, 24 seconds." I pumped my fists in the air. "Yes! New record!" I exclaimed excitedly.

I turned to look and all the campers were still staring, I smiled sheepishly at them. "Hey.....hear I beat my record?" All the people who knew who I was starting cracking up.

I looked at my team, Chiron, and the camp."Uh, council meeting?" I suggested awkwardly, smiling as they all stared at me.

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Hope you liked it!

September 9, 2017

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