Sixteen•Back 'Home'

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Ajax was in and out of consciousness for a while, we couldn't tell time in this realm, but we knew we had been here for at least two days, maybe more. Just as Ajax blacked out again, we heard shouts and clangs of metal on metal.

Blaze, Speedy, and I stayed quiet and listened carefully. My heart was beating faster, did they find us? A voice in my head asked hopefully. I hoped so, we really needed to get Percy out of here, I thought while glancing at our still unconscious commander. A few minutes went by until the bangs and shouts subsided, and was silent, except for the sounds of many locks turning.

A minute later, the door opened to reveal Parker, Bianca, Natalie, Piper, and Nico. I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, "Hey guys! How's it hanging?" Blaze called, Piper rushed up and began unlocking my chains that bound my hands to the wall, while the others went to get the rest of them. I thanked her and we exited the room once Parker and Destiny had Ajax unchained. He was still unconscious at the moment so he couldn't support himself.

We walked through the hallway, trying to make it out of here as quick as possible, when Parker brought up a good point. "How are we getting him out of here?" We all stopped in our tracks. Even if we managed to get him out of here in particular, how were we even getting home. Tex offered that maybe our powers worked once we got out of the room we were in, and tried to make a portal. It worked and we quickly went through, Piper grabbing my hand and leading us out first.

When we landed on the other side, we saw most of the campers already waiting, probably having seen the portal being created. I grinned at them and took the hand Piper had out for me. I hadn't expected to be pulled through and ended up falling. The rest came out and we waited for Destiny and Jax to come out with Ajax. After a minute, all three fell out and hit the ground, the portal closing not a second too late as a hand was just starting to come through.

Destiny and Jax got up and I rushed over to help them stand Ajax up. People gasped and moved to make a path as they saw him, limp and unmoving in their arms. They started to drag him off to the infirmary, when the warriors all exited the cabin. I spotted Cyborg and he smiled, relieved when he saw all of us, but they all looked worriedly at Ajax. He came up and hugged me, I sighed and hugged him back. He pulls away and says, "Welcome back 'home'." I laugh as he uses air quotes around home. Though it was true. This was never my home, never will be.

"So, how's it going?" I ask and he chuckles and is about to respond when we hear Amelia shouting in multiple languages.
"You scared the hell out of me! What the hell were you thinking, getting kidnapped!" We turned and she was yelling at Leo who was waiting for her to calm down, a small smile on his lips. When she finished cursing at him in Russian, she hugged him. He smiled and only pulled back when he saw their three kids emerge from the cabin, sprinting when they saw their dad. I smiled at the family.

After a few more minutes, I walked over to Charlie and held my hand out for her to take, "C'mon, let's go see Ajax." She smiled widely and nearly took off my arm when she ran ahead, dragging me with her. We burst through the doors to see Parker and Bianca standing at the foot of his bed, waiting with Order as Chaos assessed his injuries and healed him. I heard him mutter a few things while working that sounded along the lines of 'collapsed lung' and 'broken rib'

We walked further in and they all looked up, apart from Chaos. Bianca smiled sadly at me, "Hey Zoe, I'm glad you guys are okay." I smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, but I seriously need a shower." They chuckled softly and we didn't speak much as Chaos healed him.

"Destiny, may I have a word with you?" I looked up to see Order looking at Destiny, she nodded followed her out of the room. I turned to Charlie and put my hand on her shoulder, "He'll be okay, Char." I smiled at her and she returned it before slumping down in a chair, me following close behind in the next chair.


I turned around after hearing the door click closed, "You wanted to speak to me, Lady Order?" She didn't answer, but hugged me instead. I heard her whisper a quiet 'congratulations' as I hugged her back. My eyes widened and I pulled back, she laughed at my face, "You know?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes. She smiled and nodded at me, I smiled widely at her, "Thank you." She laughed and pulled me into another hug.

"How did you know?" I asked her when we had sat down. She gave me a small smile, "I have my ways." I chuckled and we headed back out to watch Percy. I sat down on his other side next to Parker, Zoe and Charlie on the other side of his bed. I fell asleep a little while later, after Chaos had said he did all he could, now we had to wait for him to wake up. Him and Order stayed with us as well.

I wasn't sure how long it had been, but I woke up to someone groaning, and I heard shifting. I opened my eyes slowly to see Percy, trying and failing to sit up in bed. Chaos was still awake and everyone else was just waking up. Percy looked up and managed a weak smile, "What's up Lord Chaos?" He croaked out, I jumped up from my chair, causing his eyes to shift and look at me, his eyes lit up and he smiled. "Destiny." I flung my arms around him smiling.

He hugged me back and I only pulled away when he breathed out, "Can't...breathe D." I got off of him and laughed, wiping my tears away. Next was Charlie, who did almost as much damage as I did. Soon after all of us got hugs and tear stained shirts, the warriors all came into the infirmary. "Ajax! You're awake!" Blaze shouted happily, grinning with Olivia in his arms. She struggles in his arms until she plops onto the floor and runs over to Ajax. Hugging him tightly in her little grip.

She giggled and let him sit up, "You okay, Uncle A?" Esperanza asked him, also hugging him. He nodded and smiled at them, her backing away to give everyone else their turn of hugging and punching Ajax. I heard Silena mutter quite a few colorful words as she hit him over and over, only being stopped when Beckendorf grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back. She pouted at him but smiled when he kissed her cheek.

Later that night, everyone had gone, Order persuading them that we needed some time alone. She winked at me before exiting as well, knowing I wanted to talk to Percy.

I smiled as Percy kissed the top of my head, I was laying next to him in his bed in the infirmary. After 10 minutes of arguing that he needed rest, and that he only slept well with me, I finally climbed in with him. I sat up and he gave me a questioning look, "I have something to tell you." I said to him, grinning slightly. He nodded, smiling at me. I had been thinking of how I should tell him, do something special and romantic, or just blurt it out? I went with the latter.

"I'm pregnant." He wasn't expecting that, he looked shocked, but happy nonetheless. He seemed to be stuck with his mouth hanging open, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Finally, he pulled me into a hug. I laughed and hugged him back, he pulled away, "Really?" He asked smiling widely, sounding just as excited as I felt. I nodded, laughing slightly, as he leaned in and kissed me.

We stayed cuddled up in his small infirmary bed the rest of the night, Percy's hand resting protectively on my stomach. I had a small smile on my face as I drifted off into the first good sleep I've had in almost a week.

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Was this chapter crap like I thought it was? I don't know but hope it was good! Lol

September 27, 2017

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