Fifteen•End's Realm

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I woke early the next morning after being revealed, determined to get my brother back. I rushed to get dressed, having already packed whatever we would need the moment I found out I could go. Which mostly consisted of strapping extra weapons, hidden.

I walk out into the living room to find everyone up already. I walk in and am greeted with 'good morning's and sleepy 'hello's. I noticed Charlie in the corner by the window, sitting down in the chair there. She seemed to be lost in thought, staring aimlessly out of the window. I walked over to my sister and sat down in the seat across from her, she didn't even look up. I nudged her knee slightly with mine, to which she looked up a bit.

She looked terrible, with deep bags under her eyes, and a lost expression in her eyes. "Hey Char, you alright?" I asked her, she simply nodded before looking back out the window. I sighed, and was about to leave her, knowing she wouldn't talk, when she spoke. "Why can't I come too?" I looked back to see her staring at me, I sighed again, sitting back down. "I don't know Char, but he'll be okay, they all will. We'll get them back." I said determinedly.

She nodded, looking at her lap and fiddling with her fingers. I saw a tear drop down her face and land in her hands. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her out of her chair and into mine with me, hugging her. She buried her face into my shoulder, crying. She let out sobs she'd been holding in the past few days. Some of the Warriors looked over to us, and looked away in sympathy when they saw us. I felt a few tears slip down my own face.

Our brother had saved both of us, Charlie when she was only a baby, and me. Saved me from being alone, and on the run with no family. I grew up in that place, treated like garbage, treated as though I was nothing, of no importance to anyone. And I guess to them, I wasn't. I had been a slave my whole life, never having any freedom. Until I escaped, and I found my family.

Charlie stopped crying a bit later, and I heard her breathes even out. She fell asleep. I was about to fall asleep myself, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to Bianca, it was time to go. I nodded and she left while I picked Charlie up and carried her to her room. I didn't want her to wake up and I was gone, so I wrote her note telling her I had left already.

You fell asleep and Bianca came to get me, I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you. You need the sleep. I'll be back soon, and we will get them back.
Love you,


I set it on her bedside table and quietly exited the room, softly shutting the door behind me. I walked back into the main room, to find them waiting for me. I nodded and grabbed my bag while we left.  I was the only one who had a bag, nominated to carry all of the extras we may need. We walked to Half-Blood Hill in silence, seeing Nico and Piper already waiting for us, along with Chiron.

He smiled sadly at us, "Be safe." Is all he said, we smiled and said goodbye to him.

We started making our way down the hill, when Chaos popped in. Literally. He scared Piper, making her shriek and jump a foot in the air. "Jeez Chaos, you scared the hell out of us." He smiled sheepishly, "Sorry Parker, I can provide transportation." We nodded and he had us all join hands. He flashed all of us to the entrance to End's realm, himself included.

He took a deep breath. "This is as far as I can take you, be safe. All of you." We smile and thanked him before one by one, entering the little opening in a huge oak tree.

(Next part in Bianca's POV but a little back in time to that morning)


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