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(Woah where'd that come from?)

I sat down next to my two brothers today at breakfast, in between them. They both smiled at me, "Oreo! I feel like we haven't talked in forever!" Ajax shouted at me, I laughed and slung an arm over each of their shoulders. "I know, that's why I decided to sit with you two today." I said shrugging, while taking my arms away.

I was about to start eating when I felt a breeze on my face, confused, I looked up. Everyone was staring at me. The table, along with the whole camp. I scrunched up my face in confusion, "What?" I looked over at Ajax, who looked mad. Parker stood up and swung his arm behind where we were sitting, knocking a cap off of a certain blonde haired girl.

Ajax was standing up to now, "Are you kidding me! What the hell is your problem!" She shrunk back a little at the sight of him, but that smug look on her face remained. I frowned, still confused. Charlie smiled, obviously holding back a laugh at me. "Um, Oreo, do you feel anything...missing?" I started to shake my head, before it clicked. I slowly reached a hand up to feel my head. My hood was gone.

"Oh." Was all I said. I turned in my seat to look at Annabeth. "Since he's not Percy." She gestured to Parker. "Then you are." She said, grinning triumphantly. I shook my head at her, "No, I am not Perseus Jackson." She frowned, and I could see her getting angry. "Oh yeah? How are you not Percy! We can all see you!" She yelled out, furious with me.

"Actually, I'm-" I was cut off my the old centaur, who I knew would know me. "Orion." He said, almost not believing it, I smiled and nodded at him. The entire pavilion was silent, gaping at me. I rolled my eyes and spun back around, continuing to eat my breakfast. Soon, everyone did the same, Annabeth leaving after no one said anything. She was really getting on our nerves.

"Well." I started, swallowing my bite of food. "Another one down." They all laughed and I grinned at them. "So," Charlie spoke up, everyone turned to her. She continued eating, "When are we going to reveal ourselves?" She asked nonchalantly. Ajax choked on his water and started coughing. "What." He choked out. She looked up at him, "You heard me." I noticed the uncanny silence hanging in air, looking up I noticed everyone in the hall was silent, watching us, once again.

"Um..." Ajax didn't know what to say. "Chaos didn't tell us when we had to, or if we had to." He finally said. Not a minute later, Chaos popped out of nowhere, sending some people toppling off of the benches in fright. He smiled at us, "I thought I heard my name." He beamed at us. Charlie turned to him, "Perfect timing! When do we have to reveal ourselves?"

"Oh! I must've forgotten to tell you. But after the war, you all are to reveal yourselves." He said cheerfully, pretending to not notice the complaints erupting from the table. "Have a good day!" And with that, he was gone.

I looked at Charlie and she shrugged, "Well that answers that." The campers started whispering excitedly, wanting to know who the rest of us were. Ajax ran a hand down his face, slumping in his seat. "Great." He muttered. Bianca hit him on the back of head, he shot up, "Ow! What was that for!" He looked at her, exasperated. She glared at him, "Get over it! You knew that you would have to at some point, didn't you?" She demanded an answer. He grumbled a 'yes', "Good, so get used to the fact that you'll have to tell everyone."

He sighed and nodded, kissing her on the cheek, causing her to smile at him. I smiled at the two of them, they were so perfect for each other. While most people would want something like that, and while I'm sure it's nice, I was perfectly content being by myself. I enjoyed the single life, being apart of the Team was what I lived for, and I will be eternally grateful I got a second chance. I loved the team with everything I had, and that would never change. They were my family.

"So, have you guys decided on names?" I asked my brother and his soon to be wife, Bianca smiles at me, her eyes lighting up. "Yeah! We have a few in mind for both, actually." I nod and everyone stops to listen, "Well, are you gonna tell us!" Silena squeals. "Yeah! We want to know." Ethan says, just as excited as the Aphrodite girl. They laugh and look at each other, "I'll do boy, you do girls names." Bianca tells Percy, to which he nods.

"For the boy, we've been deciding between four names. Jace, Carson, Brayden, and Cameron." We all smile at the names, urging Percy to continue with the girls names they've picked. "And then we've picked Harper, Mia, Faith, and Grace." Silena squealed at the names and took Bianca's hand. "I can't wait for them to be here!" She shrieked, the girl laughed at her friend. "Yeah, me neither." I looked over and smiled at how happy my younger brother was, talking with our sister, Charlie.

"Hey! I have a question!" We turned and discovered it was Leo, grinning at us. We waited for him to continue, "When's the wedding?"


It was a little later in the day after breakfast, Bianca and I were sitting up against a tree in the shade. She was laying against my chest, in between my legs, us bouncing wedding ideas off our heads. She suddenly turned around to face me, "What if we had the wedding back home?" She asked me grinning, 'home' being back with Chaos and Order.

"What about everyone here that are invited?" I questioned her, "Well, they've never been to Zark, I'm sure they'd love to see it. What do you think?" I smiled and kissed her head, "I think it's a great idea."

We stayed like that for a while, before discussing other things for our wedding, bridesmaids and groomsmen. We also were trying to figure out who would be the maid of honor and my best man. "Okay well I'm not sure on maid of honor yet, I have someone in mind, but I definitely know my bridesmaids." I smiled at how she talked so enthusiastically about this. She went on about dresses and her bridesmaids.

"Well, obviously all the girls on the team, plus Hazel and Piper. Do you know when the Hunters will be here next? I want to get to know Thalia...and Rachel and Clarisse too, they're your best friends and I need to get to know them.....oh my god! Do you think Reyna would be a bridesmaid!" She squealed, rambling on and on. I laughed at her, she had wanted to meet/get to know my friends more.

"I think they'll be honored to be your bridesmaids. I'll talk to Chiron and see if he knows about the Hunters, they left on some business shortly after the last attack, they should be back soon though." We talked until it was time for dinner, walking hand in hand, still talking excitedly about the wedding.

Our wedding.

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry I haven't posted in over a week, with school and everything I probably won't post as much as I usually would.

Thank you again for everything and all the votes and reads!

Also if you see this again it's bc I had another idea for this chapter and that's what I titled it for and then I realized I totally forgot and didn't change the title so yeah

October 11, 2017

HOME IS WITH YOU | PERCY JACKSON Where stories live. Discover now