Chapter 6

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After waiting for the waiter to take our order we finally gave her our orders. As she walked away we all started to make small conversations with each other. My mom was talking to Daniels parents and all the guys were talking to each other.

"You guys did not" I said laughing in disbelief
"We did" Jonah said laughing. They were telling me all their crazy tour memories. They are currently telling me how they fed candy to bears and Daniel flew his drone out of the tour bus.
"You guys are to much" I said sipping on my water.

After what felt like a couple of minutes, which In reality was about half an hour, our food finally came.
"Can I try that" jack asked me pointing to my sushi
"Yea of course" I said handing it to him
"Thank you beautiful" he said popping it into his mouth
"Damn that's good" he said
"I know, you should get it next time"
"Next time." He said smirking at me. I laughed at his stupidity and finished eating my food.

After dinner we all went separate ways. I got all the boys number. I was heading to my moms car when I felt someone grab my wrist.
"Can we talk when we get home?" Daniel asked
"Yea?" I said but came out more like a question. He let go and walked away.

On the ride home I was just thinking about what he wanted to talk about. What was he going to say? I knew we weren't going to be friends with me after tonight? I now regret coming.

"Cheer up Maddy" I heard my mom say. I picked up my head and looked at her.
"What do you mean? I'm fine." I said
"Madison, I know your lying when you say 'I'm fine'" she said raising an eyebrow at me.
"I am" I said trying to make her believe my lies
"What has you down" she asked
I sighed and decided to tell her the truth as she knows me more than I know myself.
"Daniel asked me to talk when we get home but he didn't seem happy" I said looking out the window not wanting her to see my tearing eyes.

"Maddy! You can't let that bring you down, what if he just actually wants to talk like friends" she said
"I don't know but I'll find out when we get home. I can't really escape it" i said

*at home*
I rushed upstairs and closed my door. I changed into a over sized hoodie. I put my hair into a messy bun and waited until Daniel decided to "talk".

After about 30 minutes of watching YouTube I heard pebbles being thrown at my balcony door. My heart start racing as I knew it was time to see what Daniel wanted to talk about.

I opened the door and Daniel was there with a cheeky smile.
"Hey Dani boy" I said leaning in the railing arms crossed.
"Come over" he said. I climbed over both our railings and made it to his balcony with the help of him.

We walked into his bedroom and I sat on his bed.
"What did you want to talk about" I asked
"So like you know I live in LA" he said. I nodded answering his question and signaling him to continue.
"I wanted to know maybe if you wanted to go back with me, like I know you are planning to move down there.." he said
"Daniel James Seavey. Are you being for real" I said in disbelief
"Yes Maddy!" He said
"Well then of course" I said engulfing him in a huge hug.

After our very long hug I finally pulled away.
"Who else can say that they are going to LA with THE Daniel Seavey" I said making him laugh
"Oh Madison Martinez of course" he said playing along. We both burst into laughter.

"But hey look what I found" he said holding
Up a movie in his hand
"No way" I said looking in disbelief. It was the titanic movie. It was my absolute favorite movie of all time.

We decided to end the night with a movie. We cuddled up in his bed just like we did before he left. Half way through the movie I felt my eyes get heavier.

"Goodnight mads" was all I heard before I fell into deep sleep.

A/N: hey cutiess💗 don't forget to vote and comment what should happen next.

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