Chapter 8

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"Dani can you tell the boys to bring snack I totally forgot" I said looking in the rear view mirror to see Daniel playing with Stassie.
"Yea of course" he said pulling out his phone and typing something.

After Stassie insisting Daniel sing to her and a lot of sassiness we finally made it to the park. We got out and Stassie ran over to the playground.
"She's so sassy" Daniel said letting out a chuckle.
"Very" I said rolling my eyes grabbing a blanket we will be sitting on.
"But you can say anything, you were just like her when you were her age" Daniel said shutting the trunk.
"Well she gets it from me" I said sticking out my tongue at him playfully.

We made our way to the green field and found a spot where we can easily keep an eye on Anastasia. I set the blanket down and dani and I sit down and enjoy all the laughter coming from the kids running around.

"Remember when we came here and was just as happy as them" Daniel said looking at the kids
"I do" I said looking at him. He turned his head towards me quickly glancing away to seem like I wasn't staring at his features.

He put his index and thumb in my chin turning my head to look at him. He stared into my eyes and looked done at my lips, back up to my eyes.
"I can get lost in your eyes" I said looking at his ocean blue eyes.
"This is why I love you" he said breaking our stare.
"What?" I said chuckling of confusion.
"I love that, how you can always complement me no matter what" he said
"Well I mean you're perfect" I said and leaned my head in his shoulder.
"So are yo-" he was cut off by the boys coming up to us.
"Hey love birds. We brought the snacks" corbyn said holding up the Walmart bag.

"Thank you guys I totally forgot to pack snacks" I said getting up and receiving the bag from corbyn.
"No problem girly" corbyn said giving me a hug. I hugged all the other boys but jack had jealousy in his eyes.

I brushed it off and went back to the blanket.
"So wheres your little sister" Jonah asked
And as if on que Stassie came running over.
"Dani! Come play with me" she said trying her hardest to pull Daniel up.
"Stassie I would like you to meet my band mates." Daniel said getting up.
"This is Jonah, Corbyn, Jack, and zach" he said pointing at each of them while he said their names.
"You must be-" Jonah said getting on her level but quickly got cut off
"Dani's girlfriend. Yes that's me" she said sassy as usual. All the boys burst out laughing at her sassiness.
"She's a sassy one" zach whispered in my ear and I nodded in agreement.

All the boys went to the playground and played like little kids and I sat back and watched them. I was recording a snap when I see zach had fell. I quickly stopped the snap and checked if I got that recorded and thank god i did. I got up and replayed the snap to zach and I was dying of laughter while he had an anger expression on his face.
"Awe Zachy its ok" I said wrapping my arm around his shoulders.
"Easy for you to say, IM the one who fell" he said his cheeks rosier than usual.

After a while of the boys making me play tag with them, we decided to relax for a little to catch our breathes.
"Did you guys bring water?" Daniel said breathing heavily.
"We did" jack said throwing his head back gasping for air.

Jonah passed Daniel a cold water bottle with condensation running down the sides.
"Stassie you're cheating on me" Daniel said a hand over his heart and the other grabbed the water bottle from Jonah.
"It's not what it looks like" jack said trying go to hiding Stassie who was giving him kisses on the cheek.
"Oh I know what it looks like" Daniel said pretending like he was crying.
"No babyyy- I wove you" she said running over to him and wrapping her small arms around his neck.

He hugged her back with a ear to ear smile. After that Stassie didn't leave Daniels side for anything. We stayed at the park for another hour before we decided to head home.
"Can we go over pleaseeee" zach said begging like a little kid.
"I guess" I said rolling eyes playfully.

We got into the car and headed home. When we got there all the boys jumped out the car and ran to my front door.
"You do know I have to unlock it first" I said holding up the keys. I threw them to Daniel  while I got the stuff from the trunk. I closed the trunk with my free hand and walked inside to see all the boys sitting around the living room.

I place all the things on the kitchen counter and made my way over to them. Daniel and zach were arguing about who gets to sit in the last open spot on the couch. Jonah and corbyn were recording them and jack was on the floor obviously annoyed at his band mates.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" I asked catching their attention.
"We should watch a movie!" Zach said like a little kid once again.
"What movie?" Jonah asked putting his phone in his pocket.
"What about The Hit Mans BodyGuard?" Corbyn suggested. We all agreed and Daniel and zach went to rent it.

While they were gone I got to know jack and Jonah a little more and they got to know me as well. After about 30 minutes Daniel and zach came in bursting through the door with 2 bags each from Walmart.
"We got the goods" Daniel said setting his bags infront of me. I looked inside the bag and saw all sorts of candies and snacks. I smiled at him knowing he bought a ton of my favorite candy, watermelon sour patches.

Zach put in the movie and we all got comfortable to watch it. During the movie there was commentary from corbyn and zach about how something was either stupid or didn't make sense. Jonah kept throwing pillows at them to make them shut up but that was no help. It only lead to corbyn and zach fighting Jonah on how they weren't doing anything.

Once the movie was over it was pretty late. All the boys were tired.
"You guys seem tired you guys wanna crash here?" I asked
"Yes of course" most of them said and the others nodded

We walked up to my room and took out two air mattresses that fit two. Zach and jack in one, and Corbyn and Jonah on the other. Daniel suggested sleeping in my bed which didn't bother me.
"Goodnight boys" I said and got goodnights back.
"Goodnight Mads" Daniel whispered in my ear and kissed my forehead. I wrapped my arm around him and snuggled into his side.
"Goodnight dani" i said looking up at him as he was already looking at me.


A/N: thank you for reading yet another chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment what should happen next.

This the last update before hurricane irma is nearly close to where I live. To whoever else is going to be affected or their loved ones, don't forget I'll keep you/them in my prayers and please be safe 💗

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