Chapter 7

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I woke up in someone else's room. Thinking I feel asleep in my bed I quickly realize I had fallen asleep in Daniels room. I checked my surrounding looking for Daniel himself but he was no where.

I got up and rubbed my eyes with my fist. I looked in the mirror and I looked like a hot mess. I quickly fixed my hair. And looked for a piece of paper and a pencil to write a note to Daniel.

I woke up and decided to go over to my house, I didn't want to bother you - Mads.

I put the note where it can be easily seen and walked over to the balcony. I hopped over his railing into mine and made my way inside my room. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I made my way downstairs.

Once I got to the end of the stairs I saw my mom making breakfast.
"Good morning mom" I said taking a seat on the island watching her flip a pancake.
"Good morning sweety, your sister is coming over for the rest of the week so I need you to take care of her" she said concentrating on the food.

My sister is 5 and her name is Anastasia. When my parents got a divorce when she was only 1, my father got custody of her. She comes every other weekend but during the summer she spends weeks with us. I'm not the type of sister that hates her little sister, I love her. She is a very sassy little girl and you'll see more of that in the future.

"At what time" I asked looking at the microwave clock.
"Around 1 and I want you to take her to the park or something." My mom said placing all the food onto my plate and handing it to me.
"Alright I sure can do" I said taking a bite of my food.
My mom made her way to her room with her cup of coffee leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I was scrolling through my phone when I heard a loud noise upstairs. Being the person that I am called Daniel instead of to see myself.

I dialed his number and I quickly heard ringing upstairs along with some muffles. I mentally laughed and ended the call. I walked upstairs to find Daniel on the floor with his phone out.
"Why couldn't you be a normal person and walk through the front door" I said laughing at the blue eyed boy on my floor.

"And what fun is that" he said getting up as I helped him "plus this is easier but I tripped over your carpet" he said pointing at the furry carpet on the floor that was now all out of place.

"Well guess whose coming over" I said excitedly siting on my bed.
"I'm guessing it's Stassie" he said like if he read my mind.
"How did you know, did you read my mind. Omg you're a witch" I said jokingly getting up and running away from him.

"I mean she's the only other person you get that excited to see other than me" he said very cocky.
"Who said I ever got excited about you" I said with my hands on my hips.
"Well I'm your bestfriend you love me" he said
"Mhm that can be debatable" I said.

Daniel came over to me and threw me over his shoulder before I could run away. I kicked and punched him trying to get him to let go of my but it was no use. He through me on the bed and started tickling.
"Da-Da st-Op" I said in between laughs.
"Not until you say Daniel seavey is my bestfriend I love him oh so very much" he said and I gave up as I knew that was the only way to get him to stop.

"Da-niel Se-vy is my Best-fri-friend" I said
"And..." he said
"I-I lo-ove h-im ver-y much" i said almost not audible.
"I love you too" he said with a ear to ear smile.

"So when is Stassie coming" he asked looking through my stuff on my desk picking things up and examining them.
"Around 1" I said looking up at my ceiling fan that was spinning in circles.
"We should go out and do something with her" he said like he came up with a million dollar idea.
"Sure but where?" I asked
"The park" he suggested
"Alright then the park it is"

*12:30 pm*
The door bell rung and i darted downstairs to open the door. I opened the door to the sight of Anastasia and her pink rolling bag and my father coming up the drive way.

"Stassie" I said getting on my knees and hugged her.
"Maddy I missed you so much" she whispered in my ear. I got up carry her and greeted my dad.
"Hey dad" I said wrapping my free arm around him.
"Hey sweetie, thank you so much for taking care of her, I'll be away on a business trip with Sofia and I'll be gone for a couple weeks" he explained to me.
"No problem dad" I said he quickly said his goodbyes and drove off when my step mom Sofia in the passenger seat.

I closed the door behind us and put Stassie on the ground.
"Do you remember Daniel?" I asked
"Well of course that's my boyfriend" she said with a hand on her hip. She always had a crush on Daniel and he always found it funny.
"Well do you want him to go to the park with us"
"Please please can he?" She said batting her eyes.

I laughed and texted Daniel that she was home.


stassie just got dropped off and she wants to know if her "boyfriend" can come to the park with us

Tell her of course he can:)) I'll be right over.

"Well good news baby sis. Your boyfriend well be joining us."
"Yaaaaaaayyyy!" She said doing her happy dance that was soon interrupted by the doorbell.

I went to get it and saw Daniel at the front door.
"Omg Daniel Seavey using the front door, no way" I said putting my hand on my chest acting surprise.
He chuckled and walked inside and ran to Stassie.
"Well I guess she's more important" I said looking hurt.
"Of course I am. I'm his girlfriend for crying out loud!" She said in his arms.
"Yea I'm her boyfriend" Daniel said agreeing with her.

I shook my head and walked to the kitchen to get the keys from the keyholder.
"Is it alright if i invite the boys?" Daniel asked
"It's fine, but she's going to be all over them" I said pointing at Stassie who was still wrapped around Daniel.
"Hey I heard that" she lifted her head from Daniels shoulder and glared at me.

A/N: I know it's been a couple days but I've been busy with family. But thank you for reading yet another chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment what should happen next or who should show up next. 💗

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