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Life isn't easy when you're a teenage girl living in a house full of guys. Throw in a controlling father, an overprotective brother, a jackass of a would be boyfriend and hey presto you get my life. Oh yeah I'm forgetting one incy wincey little thing, I'm a wolf!

I don't mean I walk around on all fours covered in fur that would be ridiculous. I'm what you might call a werewolf or a shifter, like what you've seen in the movies but cooler. For example, we aren't only able to shift on a full moon; we can shift whenever we want. Well, I say we, technically I can't just yet. Unfortunately for me being a female has its drawbacks. Only the guys get to shift as they please, I have to wait until I've mated. But hey ho, I might not be able to shift yet but I can do everything else. I have advanced hearing, super strength, and speed. I also have an advanced sense of smell, which trust me, isn't great when you live in a house full of teenage boys. I swear sometimes it's like living in a locker room. It's something I've grown to accept, well almost anyway. I also have a slim, toned figure thanks to my high metabolism, which means I have an immense appetite. I can eat anything I want without gaining any weight. It doesn't really make much difference to me but I'm told I have a figure most girls would die for. Not that anyone would really know. I don't really show it off, much to my dad's disgust.

See earlier when I said my dad was controlling, this is one of the things I meant. Whereas most dads would send their daughters to change if they tried to leave the house wearing short or tight clothing, my dad would jump for joy. He would love for me to be a proper girlie girl but he can dream on.

When I said I'm a wolf, I'm not just any wolf, I'm the only daughter of the pack's Beta. Which thanks to the fact that the Alpha and my dad are best friends, means they expect me to mate with the Alpha's only son and heir. Apparently, to be the future Luna, I need to walk around like a Barbie doll. Fortunately for me, the Alpha's son is more interested in screwing anything with a pulse. This thankfully leaves me to do as I please. Well, I say I do as I please what I really mean is that I'm followed everywhere by my brother and his friends but hey I'm not going to complain. How many seventeen-year-old girls can say they're surrounded by guys twenty-four seven. Besides they're all pretty cool, apart from my brother he's an annoying arse.

So there you go that's me, that's my boring life. Oh and one more thing before I forget. My name is Raynie-Fay, interesting I know. I swear my mum and dad didn't like me much but anyway, everybody calls me Ray.

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