Chapter Thirteen

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     I stood in front of the mirror, staring at the person looking back at me. She was everything I had spent years trying not to be. I looked like the girl my dad always dreamt I would be. Luckily I still had a bag of clothes my dad had bought me a couple of years ago. Otherwise I don't think I would be let in wearing a pair of jeans and a vest top. Instead I was wearing a black and gold dress which clung to my body. It had thick straps that covered my shoulders and a low neckline, that showed off way too much cleavage for my liking. It was also too short in my opinion, as it stopped just under my backside. I managed to find a pair of shoes in the bag too, the heels being so big I feared I'd fall over any second. They were black and gold and matched the dress, which suggested that my dad had gotten someone else to buy the clothes. I was also amazed to find some make-up in there too; I somehow managed to give myself Smokey eyes and had cherry red lip gloss on my lips. I left my hair down, the soft waves framed my face. All I knew was the girl looking back at me was not me. After another five minutes I decided it was now or never, I had to go now before I talked myself out of it. I grabbed a black blazer and walked out of my room, letting out a big sigh as I went. I slowly walked down the stairs, trying not to fall on my face and couldn't help but notice all the looks I was getting. People were just stopping and staring at me, it just made me want to run back upstairs and hide. I was even more surprised when a couple of males winked at me. This is exactly why I didn't dress like this; I wasn't put on this earth to be looked at like a piece of meat. As I headed towards the kitchen, I walked past Carrie and a group of her friends. They were surrounded with their mates and bed buddies or whatever they were. One of the males in the group looked me up and down and licked his lips. Carrie just growled at me while the other girls glared, seeing her made me want to run away and cry again. Instead I gave her the bird and blew her a kiss as I walked on by. Grinning to myself as I walked away, the look on her face was priceless and judging by the laughter now coming from behind me, I wasn't the only one to find it amusing. Knowing that I got one over on her felt so satisfying, so much so that I doubted that anything could wipe the smile off of my face. Still grinning, I walked into the kitchen and found the guys in their usual spot around the kitchen island. I couldn't help but notice how good they all looked, all of them dressed in chinos and shirts. Even though they were wearing similar outfits, they each had their own individual style, some looking more casual than others. Hearing my heels clicking on the floor their heads all snapped up to look at me, all of them with a look of surprise on their faces. Chris however looked a little uncomfortable as well.

"Hey good looking." Alec said walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "So are you ready to have a good time tonight?" he asked looking down at me and winking.

"Alec behave!" Chris snapped before I could say anything.

"Chris relax. If you're being like this now, how the hell are you going to cope when all the guys at the club catch sight of her fine arse?" Alec asked, slapping my backside and quickly running out of the kitchen laughing as Chris charged at him.

I knew really I should have been annoyed at Alec but for some reason it just made me smile.

We grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading to the club and I was getting looks the whole time. Now as we drove closer to our destination I was growing more and more nervous, for some reason I felt as though something big was going to happen tonight. Once we found somewhere to park, we all climb out of Chris's car and made our way to the club. As we arrived I felt somewhat disappointed, it didn't look anything like I expected. If it wasn't for the massive queue at the door, you would think it was just an empty building. I started to walk to the back of the queue when Markus and Jared grabbed my arms.

"Hey girly where are you going?" Markus asked.

"To join the queue, what the hell do you think I was doing?" I asked rolling my eyes at them.

"Oh sweet Raynie-Fay. We don't queue." Jared said matter of factly, with a cocky smile on his face.

"Using my full name really? Do you think that's a smart move?" I asked growling at him playfully.

Alec waited at the door for us, his eyes glued to me. Ever since I went into heat I've noticed a change in Alec, he looked at me differently and seemed to stay close to me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying it, he made me feel happy. He'd do anything to make me smile and that's what I loved about him.

"Hey arseholes hands off my woman." He shouted, laughing loudly.

Markus and Jared let go of me and walked into the club with Chris.

"I'm watching you Alec." Chris said quickly before disappearing.

"Your woman?" I asked smirking.

"Yeah babe, you're all mine sweet cheeks." He said laughing again wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

I shook my head at him and laughed as he led me inside. My mouth dropped open as I took in my surroundings, it was truly amazing. The place was heaving with people grinding against each other. The walls were black but splattered with UV paint, even some of the people on the dance floor were splattered in it. There were tonnes of people at the bar drinking and laughing, it wasn't anything really fancy but it had a great vibe. It was just a simple place for people to have a good time.

"Come on Ray, let's dance." Alec said dragging me onto the floor.

Alec and I had been dancing for what seemed like hours, I couldn't even remember the last time I had seen the others. I didn't really care though; I was having too much fun with Alec. I'd even admit to being a little bit tipsy, so far tonight had been the best night I had had in a long time. A couple of guys tried it on with me but Alec quickly sent them packing. I took another swig of my drink, finishing it off and placed the glass down on a nearby table. As the next song started a huge grin spread across my face.

"Oh my god, I love this song!" I shouted swaying to the music without a care in the world.

Alec just looked at me and laughed. I closed my eyes and lost myself to the music, I was aware of the fact that Alec had moved closer to me but it didn't bother me. His body swayed along with mine making me smile once more.

"Has anyone told you how sexy you look when you smile?" Alec asked, his lips against my ear.

"I'm not sexy Alec, stop being daft." I replied laughing.

My eyes snapped open as he pressed himself closer to me, his hands sliding onto my hips.

"I'm not being daft, you're gorgeous Ray." He said grinding himself into me.

Part of me wanted him stop but a bigger part wanted him to continue. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting him closer to me. He sent tingles throughout my body as he moved his thigh between my legs and rubbed it on my core. I couldn't help but let out a small moan as I felt his lips on my neck, sending me into a world of pleasure. I ran my hands through his hair, scrapping my nails along his scalp, making him growl in satisfaction. The more he touched me the more this niggling feeling at the back of my head grew, almost as though someone was watching me but I pushed it aside. Alec's hands roamed my body as he pulled his head from my neck, looking straight into my lust filled eyes. His eyes flickered to my lips briefly.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." He said huskily, as his face inched closer to mine.

Our lips mere centimetres away from each other, when his body tensed. His eyes grew wide, looking somewhat conflicted. He dropped his hands away from my body and stepped away from me. His eyes scanning the crowd as though he was searching for someone.

"Alec what's wrong?" I asked, feeling slightly embarrassed, placing my hand on his forearm.

He snatched his arm away from my touch and a single word left his lips which sent my body cold.

"Mate!" He growled, hurrying away from me.

Once again I was left rejected and alone.


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