Chapter Thirty One

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     I went in search of the girls, knowing they were most likely all together. As I walked down the corridor the sound of Cole's voice filled my ears. Judging by his tone he was in business mode and boy did it give me chills. I bit my lip and walked past my father's old office as quickly as I could. As I reached the living room I was greeted by over excited feminine laughter, I was starting to wonder if spending the day with the triplets was really a good idea. Deciding I would rather be with them than being on my own, I took a deep breath and walked inside. As soon as they noticed me Cira and Celine came charging at me.

"Did you hear? Cole has accepted our mates." Cira and Celine squeaked.

"Here, you're going to need this." Helena chuckled as she chucked an energy drink at me.

"I did hear something about it." I replied, moving around them and mouthing thank you to Helena.

She looked at me smiling and mouthed back 'you're welcome.' I scurried over to her and sat down beside her on the two seater sofa. Cira and Celine joined Celeste on the three seater.

"I can't wait until they've finished that silly training; I just want to get my hands on Markus." Celine said bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Tell me about it, I can't wait to mate with Jared." Cira added with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Calm down you two, what they're doing is very important. We'll see them soon enough and I'm more than certain they'll make it worth the wait." Celeste said, her calm demeanour starting to crack.

"How long have they been like this?" I whispered to Helena.

"All morning pretty much. This is the most excited I've seen them in years." She whispered back. "Hopefully that meeting finishes sooner rather than later, I'm shattered and they're draining the last ounce of energy from me."

"Here." I said offering her the energy drink back.

"Nah that's ok, I've already had six." She replied.

"Oh. My. God. I have just come up with the greatest idea." Cira suddenly burst out, clapping her hands enthusiastically.

"What, spill?" Celine asked.

"We should go out tonight, to the club and we'll need to go shopping for some extra sexy outfits, to drive the guys insane until they can't fight it any longer." She replied.

"Definitely." Celine and Celeste replied.

"So guys, are you in?" Cira asked.

"I'll join you for the shopping trip but I'm too knackered to go out clubbing." Helena replied yawning.

The triplets turned to me, waiting for my response. The thought of going out shopping with those three terrified me, shopping was never a fun activity for me but I had nothing else to do.

"Yeah sure but I'm with Helena." I replied.

"Oh, ok. Umm Ray, do you think you could let Cole and the others know we're leaving? Cole will be less annoyed if it's you that interrupts him." Celeste asked with pleading eyes.

They knew just as well as I did, that the last thing anyone should do was interrupt an Alpha at work. It was bad enough when I had disturbed my father from time to time and he was just a Beta. God knows how bad this would be, since I was going into a room full of Alphas and Betas. I nodded reluctantly and got up from the sofa. I slowly made my way towards the office, dreading the reaction I was about to receive. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Everything went silent on the other side.

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