Chapter Sixteen

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     I just sat staring at him, trying to get my head around what happened last night. Did I sleep with him? I couldn't have, could I? No, I would certainly remember that, wouldn't I? My thoughts were broken as Helena jumped off of Alec's lap and launched herself at Cole. Catching her in mid-air, she wrapped her arms and legs around him. Laughing as she held him tightly, he hugged her back.

"Hey squirt. What are you doing here, you're supposed to be with the triplets?" he asked still chuckling.

I couldn't help but feel jealous as I saw his hands on her for some reason I couldn't quite understand. Although, I didn't seem to be the only one who was suffering due to the scene in front of us. I could see Alec tensing as a low growl rumbled through his chest.

"Coley I met my mate." She squealed.

"Wow Helena, that's great." He replied, squeezing her tighter.

"I know, he's so amazing." She said.

I watched as Cole's eyes travelled over to Alec, who was still growling fiercely. A smirk found its way to his lips.

"Calm down pup, I'm no threat." He said setting Helena back down on her feet.

"Wait, how do you two even know each other?" I asked, feeling as though this day had brought me nothing but confusion.

"Oh my dad is Cole's Beta, he was Cole's father's Beta before that. You know Alpha of Alpha's Peter King." She answered looking at me as though I was stupid.

"So you're telling me you're Peter King's son?" I asked, looking back over at Cole.

"Yes, that is how one becomes the head Alpha." He replied laughing slightly. "And yes before you ask, we have met before Raynie-Fay." He continued, answering my next question.

Thinking back, I finally remembered seeing his face before. He had definitely changed over the years; he was no longer the skinny, lanky fifteen year old I remembered. Still just as cocky though. Noticing the change in my facial expression, he smirked at me once more.

"I'm guessing you remember me now?" he said laughing.

"Yeah I remember alright, boy you've grown." I replied looking him up and down.

"So have you Strawberries, so have you." He said, his eyes roaming hungrily over my body, lingering on my chest before returning his gaze to my face. "My shirt looks pretty good on you." He said biting his lip.

I could feel my body warming up as he devoured me with his eyes. Swallowing loudly, I tried to look away but I couldn't. I was undeniably drawn to him.

"For Christ sake just kiss him already. You can cut the sexual tension with a knife." Alec said, giving me enough of a distraction to finally break eye contact.

"Alec." Chris growled out, his protective side showing its ugly face again.

"What? Come on Chris, you can't tell me you can't feel it. It's bloody suffocating." Alec replied laughing loudly

"Alec shut it, you're talking rubbish." I snapped not liking the attention the situation was resulting in.

I looked down at my hands as they fiddled with the hem of the shirt again, when a sudden thought hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Hold the phone; how the hell did I end up in your shirt?" I asked jumping out of my seat and staring at him with my hands on my hips.

"Well you passed out on the side of the road, so I brought you home and put you to bed." He replied matter of factly.

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