Chapter Fourteen

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     I stood frozen on the dance floor, shocked by what had just happened. How could he do that to me? How could he nearly kiss me and just walk away? I knew deep down it wasn't his fault, finding ones true mate was supposed to be indescribable but still, am I really that repulsive? Why did I even let him touch me like that, was I turning into one of the tarty little bimbos I couldn't stand? The longer I stood there the more suffocated I felt. I quickly made my way to the bar, hoping that I would be able to spot one of the others.

"What can I get you?" The barman asked.

"Tequila on the rocks." I replied as I continued to scan the room.

As the bartender placed my drink in front of me, I caught sight of Alec in the far corner of the club getting up close and personal with his 'mate'. Without a second thought I grabbed my drink and necked it back. Turning my back to the bar, my eyes were glued on Alec and the female he ditched me for. I knew it shouldn't but seeing him like that angered me more than words could ever explain.

"What can I get you sir?" I heard the bartender say behind me.

"A scotch, neat and whatever she's having. Thanks Nathan" I heard a male voice say.

A few seconds later I heard a glass being placed behind me. Without taking my eyes off of Alec I leant round and grabbed the glass. Just like the first, I brought it to my lips and necked it back.

"A thank you would be nice." The man beside me said.

"I didn't ask you to buy me a drink!" I replied, not turning to face him.

"That may be true but a simple thank you wouldn't have hurt you. It's pretty clear you were in need of another drink and I felt obliged to help out a kindred spirit." He said confusing me.

Sniffing the air slightly, I was suddenly aware that the man beside me was a fellow wolf. There was something about his cinnamon scent that seemed somewhat familiar. I knew I recognised it but I just couldn't place where I knew it from, all I knew was that it was mouth-watering. His scent was making my senses come alive; it awakened my wolf making her pace around inside me. She wanted nothing more than to lay her eyes on this mysterious stranger but I fought her with all my might. I didn't want to have my heart ripped out one more time tonight. The last thing I needed was more disappointment.

"So have you finished scenting me now?" He whispered leaning closer to me, so much so that I could feel his breath on my neck. "You know I've always loved the smell of fresh strawberries." He said, inhaling deeply.

Having him so close to me was sending my body wild; it tingled as though a charge of electricity was shooting through me. The power that he projected made my body buzz with excitement. I just wanted to bow down to him and let him do as he pleased with me, it was intoxicating. I couldn't remember ever being around anyone who possessed more power and authority. I could hear my wolf howling within me, pleading with me to release her so she could rub herself all over him. I could feel myself losing my self-control around him but using every ounce of will power I possessed, I kept my eyes away from him and acted unaffected.

"Good for you." I said slightly breathlessly.

I heard him chuckle slightly, his breath making me shiver. I bit my lip to stop the moan that tried to escape me.

"Ok then, when you're finished playing in the junior league and you want a real man come find me, I'll be waiting." He said leaning a little closer, his lips almost brushing my skin.

I closed my eyes for a second, just waiting for those lips to caress me but when they never did. I opened my eyes to find him gone. I quickly looked around only to see a blonde haired male walking through the crowd with his back to me. I wanted to run after him and find out who he was and why he affected me so much but I didn't. I didn't want to turn into a pathetic desperate girl. Instead I stayed put, fighting my inner wolf. Looking out into the crowd of people I was suddenly bored of being here. So walking over to where I left my jacket, I picked it up and headed outside. Pulling my phone out of my bra I sent a quick text to Chris telling him I was heading home. I knew he wouldn't hear it but as soon as they decided to leave and realise I was nowhere to be found he'd find it. As soon as I stepped outside I quickly put my jacket on, it was freezing compared to inside the club. Wrapping my arms around me, I started my long trek home.

After forty minutes of walking my feet were killing me, forcing me to take my shoes off and carry them. Never again would I be wearing heels. The pavement was freezing beneath my feet and I was nowhere near home. I had started to regret leaving the club, the cold was really starting to get to me. The alcohol in my system wasn't helping much either, all the streets were starting to look the same and I had no idea where I was. Thankfully for my werewolf vision I could see pretty well in the dark but I was still pretty lost. I did consider turning back but I couldn't guarantee that I would know how to get to the club. The only idea I had was to just keep walking and hope that eventually something would look familiar. Feeling my head starting to spin, I was more than relieved when I saw a bench a few metres in front of me. I walked towards it as fast as I could and slumped my body down. I couldn't stay there long though as I could feel myself starting to get tired and the last thing I wanted was to fall asleep on a bench in the middle of nowhere. Leaning back I closed my eyes and prayed that the dizziness would pass but I was distracted by the sound of a car slowing down and coming to a stop at the curb. I groaned hoping that this night wouldn't end with me being attacked because with the night I had had, that would be the cherry on the cake. I heard a car door open and shut again and footsteps walking around the car. Opening my eyes I sat back up to see who was there and whether or not they were going to be a threat. What I saw though was breath-taking. Leant up against the silver sports car was a tall, blonde, muscular god. He was wearing a pair of dark tight jeans that fitted him to perfection and a black shirt, with the first few buttons undone, showing just enough flesh to make you want to see the rest. His messy blonde hair fell into the most beautiful pair of light blue eyes I had ever seen. His strong chiselled jaw was covered in stubble making him look rugged and sexy as hell. Realising that I must look like a complete idiot staring at him, I quickly looked away and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Finished drooling then have we Strawberries? See anything you like?" He asked.

"Don't flatter yourself." I replied.

"Oh come on you can't lie to me." He said, pushing himself off the car and taking a step towards me.

"Take another step and I swear to god I will scream." I said jumping off the bench and moving behind it.

I knew deep down that he wasn't really going to hurt me but I needed to get some space between us. Who knew what this guy was after. He stopped and put his hands up.

"Calm down Strawberries, I'm not going to hurt you." He said quickly.

As a light breeze hit me I was able to pick up on his cinnamon scent, it was the guy from the bar. He looked even better than I imagined, I felt my knees going weak as I remembered the effect he had on me in the club.

"So I see you've put two and two together." He said chuckling, as I put a hand over my mouth trying not to yawn and failing miserably. "Look Ray let me take you home." He said making my eyes grow wide.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I asked confused and not liking the fact he knew who I was and I hadn't a clue about him.

"Ray I'll explain everything later but right now, your dad would rip me a new one if I left you here." He said.

I wasn't satisfied by his answer but I couldn't really argue as I could feel my head starting to spin again. Starting to wobble slightly, I tried to grab hold of the bench but missed. I started to fall to the ground, my eyes closing as I went. The last thing I could remember before everything went black, was the most amazing feeling filling every inch of my body. A feeling that made me feel complete.

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